Calathea Beauty Star has become one of the most common decorative plants in apartments or offices. This plant doesn’t require a lot of work to grow and maintain while giving you a sense of relaxation.
But how to care for Calathea? This is a question you need to find out before taking a Calathea to your home.
While this South American plant is quite easy to take care of, you will need to note a few valuable tips to keep your plant in tiptop conditions.
What Is Calathea Beauty Star?
This tropical plant originates in the Amazon rainforests. It has eye-catching green leaves on the top surface and deep purple color on the underside.
Its leaf veins create a sense of strength and mystery. The branches reaching in many directions create a wild feeling.
This pet-friendly plant tends to lower its leaves at night and open up the following day, which is why the name prayer plant.
Calathea Beauty Star Care – Factors And Methods
Focus On Soil Quality
Calathea varieties like moist soil, but you should not overload the ground with water. Long-term waterlogging kills the roots.
You may want to consider some suggestions for soil care to avoid excess water. Follow the below ratio for the perfect soil that can apply to various types of Calathea:
- Potting soil: 50%
- Orchid bark: 20%
- Charcoal: 20%
- Pearlstone: 10%
You can also research your mixture for moist soil. Each person will have their own experiences, depending on what kind of pot is being used. Whether you use terracotta or plastic items, make sure it has drainage holes to prevent root rot.
A few things you need to know when purchasing a Calathea:
Use Dechlorinated Water
Any type of plant requires a regular watering schedule. Depending on the weather conditions, you can build a Calathea watering timetable that works for your plant.
Here is a tip to help identify how often to water Calathea. Place your finger on the surface of the soil to determine the time between waterings. If you find the soil fairly dry, it’s time to add some water to the pot.
We recommend avoiding watering while the soil surface is still damp. Doing so can put a strain on this indoor plant with excess water.
You need to keep in mind that this Amazon variety is sensitive to chemicals in tap water. To keep your Calathea in top condition, use filtered or rainwater.
Focus On Houseplant Fertilizers
The plant needs fertilizer in spring and summer. You need to stop nutrient delivery in winter because this is when the plant growth calms down.
You can learn about synthetic or organic fertilizers. Using chemical fertilizers should follow the instructions on the package to avoid burning.
This plant prefers a slower-release fertilizer. Organic products are the best suit for this drought-tolerant indoor plant. You can buy commercial organic fertilizers or use DIY ingredients.
There are some components for making up natural houseplant fertilizers. Those are banana peels, eggshells, worm tea, coffee grounds, and cooking water.
Calathea Light Requirements For A Healthy Plant
This tropical plant cannot withstand direct sunlight. For that reason, the best places to position it are the east and south windows. If you do not have any spots facing these 2 directions, you may want to follow the suggestions below.
First, you can use a curtain to create indirect light. Second, if your home has other sun-tolerant plants, they will be the best defenders of Beauty Star. Placing them in front or above Calathea helps to block direct beam attacks.
Maintain Humid Environment
Calathea plant thrives in conditions of humidity greater than 50 percent. If the air is too dry, the leaves will start to curl and turn brown.
There are many ways to create a moist environment for your plant. You can hit the prayer bridge next to the foot of another tall tree. The air circulation helps to generate the heat and moisture that is right for this indoor plant.
If you don’t have any big trees in your house, you can consider aiding tools such as humidifiers or nebulizers.
Alternatively, place pebbles under the pot. They help slow the evaporation of water in the soil.
Temperature Should Not Be Cold Or Hot
This indoor plant thrives between 65 and 85 ° F and hates strong winds and sudden changes in temperatures.
Changing The Pots Is Not Necessary
It is not necessary to repot unless developed roots need larger storage. This change usually happens about every 3 years.
When repotting, be sure to remove any damaged roots and change old soil. The favorable repotting time is anywhere between April and October.
Is Pruning Important?
This drought-tolerant indoor plant does not need regular pruning. That said, you need to remove bad leaves. They negatively impact the aesthetic of the plant and create a breeding ground for disease.
How Does Breeding Occur?
The plant’s healthy root system allows you to separate them into parts. Each root section creates a separate stem. From one root, you can multiply them into many other seedlings.
Place each baby in a standard nursery pot diameter and take good care of it. You need to be patient until babies become strong and stable.
Common Problems With Calathea Beauty Star – Reasons And Solutions
Leaf Discoloration And Deformation
If you see brown spots, edge burn, pink stripes, or curled leaves, the plant is ill.
Leaf discoloration and deformity might happen if there are chemicals in tap water. These problems can also occur due to low humidity and considerable temperature fluctuations.
Another reason is that the irrigation is not even, causing the soil to dry out. You need to handle the situation immediately. First, it is crucial to remove any damaged leaves.
Next, water the Beauty Star with filtered or purified water. You also need to adjust the room temperature to meet the range of 65-85 ° F and the humidity greater than 50 percent. Moving the tree to places with indirect light will reduce the discoloration of leaves.
Change to another watering method if necessary. We experimented with putting the pot in water. This process, combined with plant spray irrigation, brings water balance to the soil.
After about 45 minutes of soaking, remove the pot and wait for the next irrigation. You will see the situation getting much better.
The Attack Of Spiders
Spiders, fungus gnats, and house plant pests are the enemies of Calathea. Left to their device, they will eat up all the leaves and stems. If you see any minor signs, take action immediately.
You need a soft towel dipped in alcohol or diluted dishwashing liquid. Then use that towel to wipe green leaves and stems from steering clear of spiders.
We recommend using some diatomaceous earth mixed with the top layer of the soil to treat fungus gnats. Spray pesticides will also help to alleviate the problem.
Top Tips For Growing A Healthy Calathea Beauty Star
Below are the tips and hacks about Calathea plant care that work for most Calathea lovers.
- Allow the top layer of soil to dry between times of watering
- Use filtered water for irrigation
- Maintain the temperature between 65-85 ° F and 50 percent humidity.
- Avoid direct sunlight and maintain indirect light
- Focus on organic fertilizers
- Check plants daily for early detection of pests and fungi
- Wipe leaves and stalks with alcohol to keep insects and other harmful microorganisms at bay
- Remove damaged parts to protect the whole plant
While Calathea Beauty Star doesn’t demand a lot of care, it’s not a suitable plant for a beginner. We hope that our article has provided you with all the essentials for Calathea care.
Pay close attention to provide it with sufficient humidity, indirect sunlight, proper watering, and your reward is a happy, lively plant for you to look at.