8 Houseplants That are Safe for Cats (Expert Recommendations)

Sometimes, it can be challenging to keep your houseplants out of the reach of your cats, so make sure any plants you grow indoors are safe and non-toxic to them.

We asked our garden experts about houseplants safe for cats. Some suggestions include:

  1. Spider plants
  2. Orchid
  3. Calathea

Alex Williams from Greenery Guide

Spider plants

I have several spider plants in my apartment because they’re safe for pets. I also love that spider plants are so easy to take care of.

They just need indirect sunlight and semi-regular watering. These things are almost impossible to kill since they can handle both too much and too little water.

8 Houseplants that are safe for cats you must have in your home (Expert Recommendations)

Though, it’s ideal if you let the soil dry out a bit in-between waterings. One word of warning: your cat may enjoy playing with your spider plant a little too much, so watch out for that.


They are one of my favorite flowers, which also happen to be safe for cats.

Like spider plants, the soil for your orchids needs to get a bit dry between waterings. And indirect sunlight is what makes orchids thrive.

8 Houseplants that are safe for cats you must have in your home (Expert Recommendations)

A couple of things many people don’t know about orchids is that they require humidity and cool nights.

So, get a humidifier or set out some water and make sure the nights in your home are 10 to 15 degrees cooler than the days.

Cameron Pullano from PlantX

Ionantha Guatemala Air Plant

These stunningly unique plants are a type of plant called “epiphytes,” which means that they live by attaching to trees and drawing nutrients and water from the air around them in their jungle habitat.

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Air plants have a one-of-a-kind look and can be placed nearly anywhere in a home that gets bright, indirect light and only need to be watered with regular misting or a weekly soak.

8 Houseplants that are safe for cats you must have in your home (Expert Recommendations)

Their versatility makes them an excellent choice for a home with cats because they can be placed in various locations that are hard to reach for curious furry friends. They’re also non-toxic, just in case a curious cat manages to take a nibble.

Bird’s Nest Nidus Fern

This is our other favorite choice for a cat-friendly houseplant. Also known as Asplenium nidus, this fern is native to the tropical pacific and naturally grows near palm trees.

Non-toxic to pets and humans, this plant is an excellent choice for a cat lover’s home because of its attractive crinkly-textured leaves.

8 Houseplants that are safe for cats you must have in your home (Expert Recommendations)

These wavy fronds have an interesting texture that may be unpleasant to some cats, but this plant is resilient enough to withstand a few nibbles from an undeterred cat.

Mia Ballan from Potière

While houseplants bring many benefits, such as cleaner air and a beautiful aesthetic, some varieties can be toxic to cats if ingested.

Luckily, the ASPCA lists plenty of beautiful plant varieties that are completely non-toxic for cats. Some popular cat-friendly houseplant varieties include:


Peperomia is cute, compact plants feature round or oval-shaped leaves. They are relatively easy to care for, just requiring bright, indirect light and infrequent waterings.

8 Houseplants that are safe for cats you must have in your home (Expert Recommendations)

Boston fern

These popular houseplants sport attractive, delicate leaves and can grow to 2-3 feet tall. They require indirect light and high humidity.

8 Houseplants that are safe for cats you must have in your home (Expert Recommendations)


These vining plants look stunning in a hanging basket, atop a pedestal, or climbing up a trellis. While hoya does best in bright indirect light, they can also adapt to low-light conditions.

8 Houseplants that are safe for cats you must have in your home (Expert Recommendations)

Krissy from Urban Houseplant

Calathea orbifolia

According to LOLCats, The Calathea Orbifolia is the perfect non-toxic plant for cats. It is a tropical plant from South America and is a member of the Marantaceae or prayer plant family. This plant is known for its bold decorative leaves with silver striping.

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Calathea Orbifolia thrives in medium indirect light and high humidity. It is sensitive to abrupt temperature changes, so you will not want to place your plant near an open window or by an air-conditioning unit.

8 Houseplants that are safe for cats you must have in your home (Expert Recommendations)

To keep your Calathea orbifolia happy, you will want to make sure you apply fertilizer monthly. A balanced, water-soluble fertilizer works best.

This plant likes evenly balanced moist soil and is sensitive to overwatering. Making sure you put your Calathea orbifolia in a well-draining pot is essential.


Above is the information about suitable plants to decorate homes having cats. They hope this information is helpful for you and your pet.

Photo of author

Jill Sandy

I am a sustainable focus gardener. I love decorating my home backyard with beautiful landscape design and creative garden care techniques I develop myself.

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