Overwatered Aloe Plant – How To Revive It

You are probably wondering what happens to an overwatered aloe plant? One sign you can spot is when an aloe leaf shrinks, turns yellow and soft, it’s overwatered.

Whether you are a novice or expert home gardener, one thing to keep in mind is that aloe plants are drought-resistant and require little water to recover. But, it cannot withstand overwatering.

That’s the reason I’ll explain how to revive your overwatered aloe vera plants.

How Does An Aloe Plant Look When It’s Overwatered?

Aloe plants dislike being overwatered or having stagnant water. When the watering is excessive, you will see:

  • Aloe leaves become mushy
  • The leaves and the stem soften
  • From the tips of the leaves, the outermost leaves are turning brown
  • Aloe plant turns brown
  • Mold growth in the soil
  • Leaves develop blistered cells that absorb excess water

Another thing to remember for better aloe vera plants is that aloe can’t stand cold water. The leaves will fall if you water them with freezing water.

Overwatered Aloe plants: how to save them:

How To Revive Overwatered Aloe Vera Plants?

First, you should never repot aloe plants in summer or late spring. These weather conditions are ideal for fungi and bacteria growth.

The truth is that the roots are slightly injured, making them more vulnerable to fungi and overwatering. Step-by-Step instructions:

  • Take the aloe out of the pot and gently shake the soil away from the roots. Remove as much soil as you can while avoiding injuring the roots. You can use a wooden toothpick to do it.
  • Remove the rotten roots and leave the good portions.
  • Place the aloe plant in a dimly lit area for 3 days. Wrap the roots in the paper, newspaper, or something similar. Locate in the semi-basement or the garage. No heating is required, and the temperature should not go below 5°C/41°F.
  • Prepare a medium pot. Smaller containers are preferable for the roots to fit snugly inside.
  • Prepare a substratum that drains well; 50 percent potting soil and 50 percent various-sized stones. For example, Pebbles, Natural Gravel, River Rocks, Outdoor Decorative Stones. These stones are ideal for pots to help with drainage.
  • Repot your aloe plant after 3 days using that potting mix.
  • After transplanting, leave the plants for another 3 days without water.
  • Finally, water it, then set it in a somewhat shady location.
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Some notes:

  • If you live in a quite cold climate, I do not recommend leaving it outside.
  • Keep in mind that aloe mustn’t get cold.
  • Don’t flood them. After watering, make sure the substrate is well-drained.
  • Maintain a consistent watering schedule.

How To Avoid Overwatering?

There is no fixed routine, but watering aloe plants in summer and the spring every 2-3 weeks is proper.

In winter and autumn, this plant requires half as much water as in other seasons. So you’d better water it once a month.

To avoid having any problem with overwatering, you must follow certain rules. There are 2 methods of watering aloe vera:

Method 1. From the top

You should use a watering can during this task. You can ensure that water makes its way into the root system of the plant using this method.

You must pour water until the tray fills. Make sure the irrigation area’s soil isn’t washed away.

Check the tray half-hour after watering to make sure there is no surplus water. If any water remains, it is best to pour it out.

Excess water draining avoids rotting of the root system. It is preferable to water later in the afternoon after sunset.

You can also spray with a fine sprayer. However, this isn’t a must-do. If your aloe vera plant is on the sunny side, you should not use a spray.

It is because the leaves may become burned. In the summer, it’s also a good idea to avoid spraying water during the day.

Watering from the top method is better suited to mature aloes. Water it with caution, using a narrow-nosed watering can. Make sure the leaves don’t become dripping wet from the water.

You must be cautious not to wash out the soil at the irrigation location. The roots are also not exposed. To do that, it is better to loosen the pot a bit before watering.

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Method 2. From the ground up

The pan is filled with water in this way. Then immerse the container in the pan’s water.

This way is more beneficial since it minimizes nutrient leakage from the soil. Large roots aren’t overwatered, and tiny roots get just enough water.

Watering from the bottom way is preferable for young aloe plants. The procedure only takes a few minutes. The excess humidity is drained, and the succulent returns to its place.


Now you know how to revive the overwatered aloe plant. It’s time to grow this lovely and helpful plant in your own home.

Aloe vera is an easy-going plant, but it sometimes gets mushy and turns yellow due to overwatering. However, you won’t have to worry about the health of your aloe plant if you follow the instructions above.

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Jill Sandy

I am a sustainable focus gardener. I love decorating my home backyard with beautiful landscape design and creative garden care techniques I develop myself.

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