Top 9 Best Vining Plants to Add to Your Vertical Garden (Expert Recommendations)

Growing vining plants is a lovely way to add color, create a natural privacy screen, and add a vertical aspect to your garden’s design. They can be either annual or perennial plants that return year after year.

The following are some professional advice for vining plants:

  1. Black-eyed Susan Vine
  2. Star Jasmine
  3. Bougainvillea
  4. Trumper Creeper
  5. Mandevilla

Read our article to know more!

Ronnie Collins from Electro Garden Tools

Black-Eyed Susan Vine

This plant has some of the most charming blooms amongst all the vines. Its flowers have black centers and 5 tender petals of apricot, pink, white, or yellow.

You can grow this plant in containers or near garden trellis in almost any USDA zone as an annual, or enjoy it as a perennial if the winter in your region is warm enough to let its roots survive.

Black-Eyed Susan Vine thrives in full sun (with afternoon shade) or permanent partial shade. You can start the plant from cuttings in water jars and relocate them into the soil once the roots start thickening.

Star Jasmine

Star Jasmine has lovely white flowers with petals that make them look like pinwheels on stems. However, the best thing about the plant is its strong sweet smell that can quickly relax you after a stressful day.

“Star Jasmine” by doegox is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

You can grow this plant near fences and pergola walls to cover them with cascades of beautiful flowers. It thrives in full and partial sun and can grow as a perennial in warmer regions.


This plant is probably amongst the best options if you want to create a stunning red or fuchsia accent on your fence or pergola.

It’s a perennial plant that thrives in full and partial sun and can grow as an evergreen vine in frost-free states.

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Nigel William from Cream Charger Warehouse

Trumpet Creeper and Evergreen Clematis

Both of these are perennial vines. They require the sun to grow but can tolerate partial shade.

The creeper bears bright orange flowers in summer, and the clematis bears white and pink blooms in spring. For the rest of the year, their beautiful leaves add beauty to your garden.

Adriana Copaceanu from


Known for their beautiful, bright flowers that bloom from late spring until frost, Mandevillas need warm and humid conditions to grow.

Plant your Mandevilla in rich soil that drains freely. During summer, water deeply but infrequently, letting it dry out between watering.

Mandevilla can be grown successfully indoors year-round if they receive bright light and plenty of moisture.

Mandevilla can be used as a ground cover, making excellent container plants and looking stunning on trellises. They’re easy to grow and require little maintenance once established.

Ryan Smith from Ant & Garden Pest Control

Morning glory vine

This plant is known to impress with its vibrant, trumpet-shaped flowers. Morning glory vines grow and spread rapidly, and they are capable of self-sowing their seeds.

They aren’t picky about soil but prefer moist soil that drains well to prevent it from being soggy. They thrive in full sun but can also tolerate partial shade.

Patrizia Pisani from Vionix Studio

Sweet pea

If you are looking to add beauty to your garden, check out Sweet pea. It has a lovely, mild scent.

Sweet peas come in colors ranging from white to pale pink to salmon to blue. They do not do well in super hot weather and fade by summer. However, they do need full sun so plant them in the spring.

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Virginia Creeper

Do you have an ugly wall that needs to be covered? Plant a fast-growing vine, the Virginia Creeper.

It has big leaves with red fall color. It can also be grown in a variety of soil types.

Jeremy Yamaguchi from Lawn Love

English Ivy

Creeping or vining plants are usually quite forgiving. Ivy is very persistent and can be hard to get rid of when it clings to your home, and the same is true of most creeping plants you can grow.

It needs full sun exposure with partial shade and moist, well-drained soil. This is why it makes an ideal hanging plant. Buy some hanging pots for your porch and hang them up, then the water can drain quickly in spring.

Frequently Ask Questions (FAQ)

What is the fastest growing vining plant?

Scarlet runner bean is among fastest growing vining plant. It can grow up to 6 inches per day.

What are examples of vines plants?

Many vines, such as morning glory and grapevine, cling to a surface by winding their stems around it. 

Others use a system of long rootlets that cling onto surfaces on the ground. Examples of this type include ivy which climbs up orchards and rocks using these rootlets when nothing else is available

What can I use for a trellis?

1) Welded wire fence
2) Chain link fence. If trellis is up against the side of the house, chain link won’t bother landscaping too much.
3) A frame can be created out of lattice or poles cut to desired height that are then secured together with hinges or braces to create an open tent-like structure that is then covered with vines (vines will need regular trimming).

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Vines like grapes, kiwi fruit and hops grow well without a trellis.

The cheapest solution for a post heavy trellis is welded wire fencing because it’s reusable and easy to find anywhere you look for it.


Above are some gorgeous vining plants for your garden. Remember to keep track of their mature size so you can allow them plenty of room to spread out without crowding out other plants.

Also, to provide the plant somewhere to grow, you need a trellis, arbor, or another sort of garden structure.

Have fun and see you in our next article!

Top 9 Best Vining Plants to Add to Your Vertical Garden (Expert Recommendations)
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Jill Sandy

I am a sustainable focus gardener. I love decorating my home backyard with beautiful landscape design and creative garden care techniques I develop myself.

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