The Vicks plant is a genus of the mint family among up to 350 other plant species. Its succulent leaves are famous for producing an attractive minty fragrance and need protection from tough weather.
Also, there are helpful Vicks plant medicinal uses that you can make use of right at home. If you want to adopt a successful indoor plantation of this succulent species, let’s learn about its growth habit in this article.
What Is Vicks Plant?
The Vicks plant’s scientific name is Plectranthus tomentosa, meaning “Cushion Stuffing” in Latin to refer to the woolly coat on its leaves. It originates from South Africa with a beautiful aroma but is rare to find.

This herb plant grows up to 2-foot high with a maximum spreading of 2.5 feet, which is highly suitable for hanging basket decoration. Its freely-branched body makes it easier for you to structure the plant.
Vicks Plant Care
It is essential to use well-draining soil for your Vicks plant as it often contains equal parts of succulent mix and peat moss. Although this plant is pH tolerant, you should avoid too high or low pH levels.

Keep in mind that your plant is not a heavy eater when you fertilize it. The perfect period would be early spring for you to feed the Vicks with a small amount of half-strength succulent fertilizers. Besides, it’s recommended to limit it to once a year.
Liquid fertilizer is a great choice, but remember not to overfertilize your Vicks plant since it may burn out the delicate plant foliage. As a consequence, the plant’s overall appearance and color will be affected.
Since succulent leaves enable large water storage, a Plectranthus plant will do fine with a low to medium water level. Such greenery with few water requirements is convenient for busy plant parents.
You want to apply the common watering method for succulent plants called “soak and dry.” At first, you need to water its soil thoroughly. Leave it there until it drains out so the soil will be dry before your next watering.
How much watering the Vicks plant needs depends on the humidity and temperature of your local area. It is ideal for watering it up to twice per week during summertime, but reduce this frequency in the winter.
Your vaporub plant will need to grow under bright but indirect light sources. It also thrives well under partial shades, so we suggest you place it under a cool and well-lit shade, such as a tree, for outdoor growth.
In terms of planting a succulent indoors, place it near south-facing windows to avoid direct sun exposure. Or else, you will have to find certain remedies to treat Vicks for sunburn after inappropriate light.
Not only is a Vicks plant tolerant with diverse pH levels, but it also tolerates different rates of humidity. Do not forget to monitor the plant on dry days and put a humidifier nearby, if possible.
We advise you not to misting a succulent plant because this type of greenery survives well in an arid environment. If the plant is exposed to regular misting, it may suffer from root rot or fungus over excess water.
The perfect Vicks temperature ranges from 65°F to 80°F. However, this plant cannot withstand frost and the cold, so you should move it from an outdoor place to warmer areas if the weather is cold.
Once you have transferred it inside the house, try setting up some grow lights, so your plant obtains enough heat and light on winter days.
If a Vicks plant is already one year old, you will see its development of woody stems at the base to resist cold temperatures.
Tips for growing the Vick’s plant:
Common Problems With Vicks Plant
Pests And Bugs
There is a high chance your Vicks plant will come across these pests during its growing process: spider mites, aphids, snails, whiteflies, and mealybugs, to name a few. Quickly get rid of them before they try to destroy the plant.

Both hot and cold temperatures may cause diseases for your plant. Not having enough moisture is far from ideal, but excess water can also lead to common diseases like root rot, fungi, or bacteria.
Not Popularly Available
Although you may get excited about the diverse Vicks plant uses, it should be noted that it is not easy to find this plant. In return, the propagation process is simple, with the plant blooming flowers twice a year.
Top Tips For Growing A Healthy Vicks Plant
After knowing essential factors to consider when growing a Vicks plant, we would like to offer additional advice for your indoor Vicks plant care. These tips will help enable better results in your planting.
- This perennially growing type of herb looks suitable for decoration in hanging baskets. It will produce a similar smell to the Vicks Vaporub if its oval-shaped leaves are crushed.
- As the plant increases and might turn leggy, you want to cut it frequently to enable healthy growth.
- The propagation of the Vicks plant can be done quickly by performing cuttings on its stem tip.
- Keep in mind to use well-draining soil for this plant and place it under indirect light with frequent watering schedules.
Taking care of a Vicks plant is not that hard if you learn how to do it the right way. Sufficient watering, warm climate, suitable humidity, indirect light exposure with good planting soil is what it requires.
Because this succulent is quite popular in the medical industry, you might want to consider growing it for medicinal purposes with a great smell. Good luck with your planting, and thank you for reading.