30 Popular Types Of Orchids: Blessing From Mother Nature

Even seasoned gardeners may have a hard time distinguishing types of orchids. For centuries, the orchid family has captured our interests for a wide range of types and hues.

The Lady’s slipper orchid is a distinctive and gorgeous orchid flower found worldwide, from the Pacific to Asia and Europe.

Or the Spider orchid, which boasts one of the most unusual color combinations among orchid blooms and resembles a spider.

Per this variety, their growing conditions vary in a diversity of environments. Without proper care, they will hardly reach their potential to blossom with great beauty.

If you love orchid colors, reading this article will equip you with knowledge on distinguishing them from each other and specialize in taking care of them to the qualified standard.

30 Popular Types Of Orchids: Blessing From Mother Nature

Orchids: The Definition Of Luxury

The orchid plant is a broad family of perennial epiphytic or terrestrial monocotyledonous plants with 3-petaled blooms with the middle petal extended into a lip and varying in color and texture.

What Are The Most Common Types Of Orchids?

Based on the best growth circumstances and atmosphere for home growing in your garden, we have chosen a group of orchid plants that you can simply care for without having to memorize a vast majority of information.

Angraecum Orchids

It is a star-shaped plant with over 200 species, and it is known as the Star of Bethlehem.

The fragrant blooms are typically tiny to medium in size and white, with occasional outliers in color such as yellow and pale green. At night, numerous blooms will emanate an unexpectedly peculiar odor.

The growth habit is monopodial, with a single centrally leafed stem sprouting alternating leaves and blooms. The weight and height can also vary greatly, but the maximum height it can achieve is 6 feet tall.

The orchid types primarily occur in Madagascar and its surrounding areas.

Because this orchid species is neither a water-storing nor a bulb plant, the ideal circumstances for the plant to flourish healthily are balanced water and a range of temperatures from 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Brassia Orchids

Brassia’s complete body resembles a spider, which is essential in drawing wasps to attack the spiders that have sought to damage the plant’s health.

The petals are whitish, and the spider legs are buttery with maroon patterns.

It flourishes in humid areas with high rainfall all year, such as Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, South America, and the Indies Islands.

For the Brassia to fully mature, it must be exposed to light for an extended period and maintained in a humidity range of 50% to 70% while being watered regularly.

The plant will begin to bloom during the growing late summer or late winter, requiring more frequent feed and regular watering.

Brassavola Orchids

Consisting of 17 different species in the same family from the American tropics, they emanate a sweet and alluring scent like citrus peel at night, resulting in the resounding title: the queen of the night.

Brassavola flowers are distinguishable by an expanded, scoop-like lip and petals and sepals constricted into spear-like petals.

The flowers of Brassavola orchids are white to attract moth pollinators, but the plant has manipulated the power to produce flowers in a wide range of hues.

Brassavola’s tubular leaves feature a quick transpiration reduction system. Therefore the plant requires less moisture and water than typical orchids.

This species prefers moderate to bright solid light exposures. Therefore, planting it in a south-facing direction is optimal.

Bletilla Orchid

This genus’s five orchids, which are all highly popular in East and Southeast Asia, are used in hybrids. The color palette includes white, cream, pink, and purple.

These Terrestrial plants feature dark green long pleated leaves that enhance their attractiveness in addition to the big, gorgeous odorless flowers.

With a 40 to 60 percent range of humidity and dazzling filtered sun, the flowering season will be completed in 4 to 6 weeks.

Catasetum Orchid

These white orchids have a dark yellow-orange center. It is a deciduous orchid that turns yellow and drops its leaves in the winter to prepare for the blossom season.

Keep the plants moist, humid, and well-ventilated while they are growing. Furthermore, a bright open shade with adequate air circulation to full sun preserves the orchid in its most acceptable condition.

It is advisable to hang the pots or mounts since it provides better air circulation around the Catasetum. During hot seasons, remember to water more frequently.

Cattleya Orchids

Cattleya is a popular hybrid among collectors and breeders, and it usually comes in two colors: brilliant pink-red and white.

The orchid generally takes a long time to grow before blooming. The plant can bring out fragrant blossoms that grow to several inches long and have gorgeous shapes of a harmonic and equally striking color combination.

The plant will thrive in an environment with moderate light exposure and average humidity requirements of 50 to 60%. In a sense, this is a relatively simple plant to cultivate.

Cycnoches Orchids

The Cycnoches orchid is a gorgeous example that varies from many other orchids in that it has separate male and female flowers rather than being hermaphroditic. The temperature can hold the decision to determines the orchid’s sex.

This orchid bears 3 to 7 pairs of spindly pseudobulbs on fragile, veined leaves. Pinks, yellows, and white are the most common colors in the flowers, which are commonly enormous and attractive.

Because it thrives quickly and uses many resources, frequent watering, and fertilizers during active growth, don’t let the potting mix become as dry as a bone.

However, after the leaves have fallen after blossoming, which may take many blooms, stop watering until growth begins.

Cymbidium Orchids

The cymbidium orchid should be on your list if you’re looking for a low-maintenance orchid to grow in the garden or as a houseplant for a beginner plant parent.

The Cymbidium orchid has received numerous international floral prizes and is available in various colors, including yellow and red, mint green, and eye-catching pink.

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A temperature variation of 20-25 degrees between day and night is essential to produce flower spikes, especially in the fall. Cymbidium orchids prefer bright light over extended natural daylight contact, which can lead the plant to burn.

Cypripedium Orchids

The orchids, together with Paphiopedilum and Phragmipedium, share the label of “lady’s slipper.” These high endurance species comprise 58 very exotic orchids, so distinctive due to their peculiar form.

Cypripedium orchids do not tolerate excessive sunlight and should be grown in light shade comparable to approximately 70% shade cloth for preservation.

These plants should be maintained evenly moist but not soggy that they wilt out. They should not become very damp during the winter and should dry nearly completely while idle.

Dendrobium Orchids

These orchids are top-heavy, with many blooms on each stalk; they frequently require staking.

While the species differ in appearance, they are all recognized for their abundant blooms in diverse pastel tones, such as white, lavender, or yellow.

Dendrobiums extends throughout Asia, including China, Tibet, India, the Himalayas, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar.

A healthy plant needs close attention to the environment in which it grows. Dendrobiums prefer lower humidity and milder temps than their fully tropical counterparts.

Dendrobium orchids thrive in warm temperatures that stay above 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Furthermore, humidity levels ranging from 50 to 70 percent are preferred, with a minimum of 45 percent.

Dracula Orchids

This epiphyte and terrestrial species, also known as Dragon Orchid, is native to Mexico, Peru, Colombia, and Venezuela.

As with any other species of orchid, keep Dracula Orchids away from direct sunlight and add a 70 percent to 80 percent humid atmosphere, and it will bloom wonderfully in the summertime.

Encyclia Orchids

These orchids, which are native to tropical America, can be found in Mexico, Central America, and Northern South America. That explains why these orchids differ so greatly depending on their cultural context.

Their flowers range in hue from purple to green to yellow to brown. Their lips might be flat and large, or they can be ruffled.

Encyclias come in a broad range of sizes, from 2-inch plants to softball-sized pseudobulbs with leaves 2 feet or more long.

This genus is ideal for orchid enthusiasts and breeders due to its approximately 140 species, various morphologies, and magnificent blossom overall style.

A window facing East lets in enough early light while shielding the plant from the intense afternoon sun, which could scorch the foliage. Using a translucent curtain can block the hot midday bright light from the South.

Epidendrum Orchids

With approximately 1,000 plant diversity in tropics and subtropics, it is among the most widespread and most significant types of orchids.

Flowers grow on inflorescences, turfs, and, in rare cases, corymbs. They frequently bloom in clusters and have flowers in various colors, such as red, yellow, orange, and lavender.

Epidendrum orchids are robust and can bloom multiple times during the season. They may flourish in pots with orchid medium or on simple bark and are resilient to low-nutrient circumstances.

While they like intense indirect light, they also perform well in medium bright to dimmer conditions. Remove the spent flower stalks, and the plant will bloom again in approximately two months.

Fertilizing every two weeks with orchid food and watering once a week is two must-dos. Bear in mind to keep the plant moist but not waterlogged, and the bark media surface should be dry.

Intergeneric Orchids

Because they are made up of multiple separate genera, Intergeneric hybrids can withstand a wide range of light. As a general rule, moderate light yields the best results.

Most Intergeneric plants develop black spots on their leaves when exposed to this type of light.

The optimum nighttime temperature is 60-64 degrees Fahrenheit. For daytime, the temperatures range should be between 70 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Summertime conditions are often a few degrees higher.

Ludisia Orchids

These orchids are native to the East Asian tropics, where a dense forest canopy shades the plants; thus, they are not used to direct sunshine.

With strong resistance to drought and a requirement for an adequately humid climate, the terrestrial orchids do not necessitate too much attention to detail throughout the growing phase.

As a result, this genus can be grown successfully indoors as a typical houseplant in areas with low natural light conditions.

They flower once a year in winter, providing they’ve been well-fed and cared for, and the flowers endure approximately a month before dying back.

This tiny, monotypic orchid genus is more commonly known as the jewel orchid because of its luxuriant foliage with rich deep-red velvet leaves with complex venation rather than blooms.

These orchids are an excellent addition to any tropical orchid collection with their subtle, gorgeous colors, particularly in a shadow garden.

Ludisia orchids are an excellent choice for orchid enthusiasts and dealers due to the easy growth conditions plus attractive appearance.

Lycaste Orchids

These orchids are distinguished for their many flower spikes from their roundish pseudobulbs, as well as their slender but big and captivating petals. They are familiar with tropical and subtropical areas of Central and South America.

Another distinction is that some Lycaste species emit an unmistakable aroma, which is ideal if you’re seeking the perfect addition to your flavored garden.

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These medium-sized orchids bloom in various colors, with white, orange, yellow, red, green, and purple being the most typical.

Gardeners should filter the light since direct sunlight exposure can cause the leaves to burn, and insufficient light can diminish the number of flowers that bloom. The leaves should remain a vibrant green color.

The growing environment should be relatively dry for the more mature plants, especially from blossoming until new growth begins. The deciduous Lycaste group should dry out a little more.

Masdevallia Orchids

The triangle shapes from the petal with bright orange color, and microscopic purple hair on the sepals, which leads to a colorful effect when viewing the flower moving in the breeze, are the most distinguishable from Masdevallia.

Masdevallia is the coldest-loving genus on the list, and no more than 68 degrees Fahrenheit is its best habitat.

Masdevallias also prefer moist circumstances, which should range from 70% to 100%. If one master these conditions, growing Masdevallias becomes a piece of cake.

Maxillaria Orchids

Even though Maxillaria orchids are a large genus with over 300 species, it is not a popular genus among orchid lovers.

Their beautiful blooms are tiny and grow from the base of the pseudobulbs. They flourish in various colors, including yellow, white, red, and purple; some species have fragrant blossoms resembling fresh coconut or vanilla.

This genus is common throughout tropical America, from Florida to Latin America. These plants prefer bright indirect sunshine and a modest temperature drop from day to night in their natural environment.

Placing the orchid on a North-facing windowsill or in a shady area of your balcony, patio, or garden that receives plenty of dappled light are all perfect places for growing this variety of orchids.

It is a surprisingly great idea to moisturize your orchids in the morning regularly. This act lets the potting material soak during the day.

Miltonia Orchids

The blooming season keeps going from late spring through early summer and features hot pink and white colors with golden yellow cores.

The pansy orchids consist of 2 or more hues, such as red, various degrees of pink, and white. This species is related to a summer orchid symbol.

If you are growing indoors, provide a bright but not direct sunlight environment behind a net curtain, with a drop in temperature of roughly 68 degrees Fahrenheit at night.

The compost should never be completely dry, and it should be moistened twice weekly and treated fortnightly with an orchid fertilizer during the summertime.

When not fertilizing, thoroughly rinse the compost to remove any salt accumulation harmful to the roots.

Odontoglossum Orchids

Odontoglossum orchids are a genus of about 100 cool-climate orchids found in the Andes and other high places.

Because of their distinctive shapes and vibrant colors, Odontoglossum orchid varieties are popular among growers.

These orchid flowers have a spectacular blossom and come in white, yellow, brown, purple, red, and a few multicolor varieties.

They can indeed be tough to maintain, but because they are accustomed to cool or cold climates, they flourish at temperatures below 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Odontoglossums require mild watering regularly, usually 2 or 3 times per week. Watering Odontoglossum orchid plants in the morning with room temperature water is advisable.

Oncidium Orchids

With the unique shape resembling a dancing actress, Oncidium shows us the most beautiful yellow orchid among different types of orchids.

The Sharry Baby species has a chocolate-like fragrance, and while the Oncidium orchid is easy to handle, it does involve a lot of humidity to flourish.

This orchid variety demands a cooler climate, plenty of moisture, and roots that are well-aerated. They mainly bloom in the autumn. Hybrids are easier to manage, and fortunately, that is what you will most often see in the retailer.

Paphiopedilum Orchids

The Asian-tropical Paphiopedilum Orchid, also known as Lady’s Slipper because of its slipper-shaped petals, is most likely easy for beginners to embark on the orchid growing journey.

It comes in a broad range of color palettes, including vibrant hues like pink, white, yellow, and deeper colors like brown, crimson, and near-black tones.

Since there are no pseudobulbs in this species, water must be present at the base at all times. All of these plants require a moist substrate that is neither sloppy nor dry. Once or twice per week, hydrate the plants.

Paphiopedilums demand moderate humidity, between 40 and 50%, which you can easily maintain in the house by setting the plants on gravel trays that are partially filled with water but never waterlogged.

Phaius Orchids

Phaius is one of the highly decorative orchids and could be a perfect addition to your garden to bring out the aesthetic being.

Nun’s orchids occur in various bloom colors, including white, pinkish, red, purple, and brown. Their inflorescences can produce more than 30 four-inch flowers when the time comes.

With easy growing conditions, intense light, and little evaporation between washings, Phaius can withstand temperatures as low as the lower 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Still, it will not develop well if subjected to such low temps for an extended period.

Phalaenopsis Orchids

Shortened as Moth Orchid, you can easily find these bigleaf orchids varieties at a typical gardening shop.

People love them at first sight due to their not-demanding growth conditions and how beautiful they appear in lovely colors such as yellow, light pink, and spotted with burgundy.

Phalaenopsis is a monopodial plant, which implies it has only one stem. It lacks the enormous water-storing pseudobulbs present in sympodial orchids, but its leaves can hold considerable moisture.

As a result, this plant is less drought tolerant. Water the plant once a week or if its bare roots turn silvery white during growth.

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Phragmipedium Orchids

Growing near streams and high-humid environments, the species has acquired hydrophilicity that is unlike any other.

The petals are small pouch-like forms encircled by a goatee, and it occurs in pale green, white, and light burgundy.

The bright Phragmipediums like warmth and temperatures dropping by 10-15 degrees Fahrenheit at night; this ideal condition will enable the species to grow to its fullest potential.

Psychopsis Orchids

The butterfly orchids are the most visible member of the orchid family due to their shape and vibrant colors, which appear deceiving.

Psychopsis is a distinct genus of monopodial orchids born and bred to Central and South America’s wet wetlands and upland forest wildlife.

Psychopsis orchids are epiphytic in their native habitat, which means they grow on the surface of trees and shrubs and attain the majority of their nutrients and moisture from the space surrounding them.

These Central and South American-based orchids, like most orchids, grow in moist conditions and require constant and careful watering. However, they should be let to nearly dry out in between waterings and must never be left soaked.

Psychopsis orchids benefit from frequent repotting because they cannot tolerate stale conditions, especially when potted in bark mixtures.

Vanda Orchids

Vandas are Asian orchids known for their huge spherical blossoms with intriguing patterns and a wide range of color palettes.

Vanda care is special in its preference for extraordinarily intense lighting – 3000 – 5000 candelas.

These, like other orchid types, are nearly typically grown as indoor orchids. Although it is possible to grow them in tropical regions, the cultural conditions are so stringent that it is scarcely attempted.

They also prefer cooler temperatures decrease at nightfall and plenty of airflow around their base, making them perfect for glass vases and slatted baskets with no or only a tiny amount of potting medium.

Because Vanda orchids rot fast, water them only enough to keep them damp but not soggy.

Vanilla Orchids

One of the most unexpected types of orchids that house vanilla extract we use daily is this unique species.

Vanilla orchids, which originated in Mexico, are distinctive in that they are the only orchids that grow as vines and require a great deal of vertical space.

Vanilla beans have a scent and richness that are unrivaled by inexpensive extracts, and they are sourced from the species Vanilla planifolia. There are 100 varieties of vanilla orchid, a vine that may grow to be 300 feet long.

The Vanilla species will grow steadily if the temperature is kept at 86 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and 50 degrees Fahrenheit at night and in a high humidity environment. Remember to water the plant regularly to keep it fresh.

Vuylstekeara Orchids

Charles Vuylsteke succeeded in creating this orchid and named it after his surname in 1911.

Despite its various, unique, long-lasting, and usually fragrant flowers, Vuylstekeara is still exceedingly rare in general, and you’ll almost certainly have to seek it out from a specialist if want to bring some home.

Allowing Vuylstekeara to grow in a damp environment away from direct sunlight can help it thrive robustly and consistently. Watering in moderation will also help to ensure steady development.

Zygopetalum Orchids

In contrast to the described little original, biologists have created numerous significantly larger orchid varieties using the hybrid process, with the tallest being up to 2 feet tall.

This orchid blossoms continuously from the autumn through the springtime and offers a range of captivating colors such as purple, burgundy, and chartreuse.

Your garden will overflow with dreamy vibes and beautiful sensations courtesy of the powerful fragrance of this type of orchid.

Zygopetalums are genuine epiphytes that are sensitive to improperly ventilated or damp planting mixtures. Some of the most rhizomatous and uncommon species will thrive in basket gardens.

What Are The Easiest Orchids To Grow?

The most acceptable candidate in cultivation is none other than the Phalaenopsis orchid, commonly known as the Moth orchid.

It is easy to grow even if your gardening skills are beginner-level with growth conditions that do not demand too much.

Which Orchids Bloom The Most?

The most incredible thrill for plant parents is seeing the flowers they have worked so hard for flourish at their most total capacity and provide freshest blossoms, adding dazzling patterns to the landscape.

And, of course, Vanda has won the title of being a flower that can be enjoyed all year round, with a frequency of blossoming 2 to 3 times annually.

Taking Care of Phalaenopsis After Blooms Fall – What to do?

How Do I Identify My Orchid?

If you’ve misplaced the orchid’s identification tag, the blossoms are the most straightforward way of identifying it. Examine the bloom’s design, color, markings, and size.

Because most orchids are born in various hues, we can hardly use the color or size of the flower to identify an orchid. However, it can help narrow down the possibilities.

Another option is to employ the picture searching tools resource on the internet if you have a flower and know the genus but are seeking more specific names.

If the orchid isn’t in bloom, identifying it is considerably more difficult, but you might be able to narrow it down by inspecting the leaves and other plant traits.

In Conclusion

This article has thoroughly addressed the difficulties of various types of orchids while also differentiating their distinguishing characteristics.

We hope mastering and selecting an orchid species to cultivate should no longer be difficult for you with the knowledge provided.

30 Popular Types Of Orchids: Blessing From Mother Nature
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Jill Sandy

I am a sustainable focus gardener. I love decorating my home backyard with beautiful landscape design and creative garden care techniques I develop myself.

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