Top 10 Best Pollinator Plants – Best Plants to Attract Pollinators to Your Garden (Expert Recommendations)

In reality, pollinators are essential to the plant’s transformational stages, which result in gorgeous blooms and delicious vegetables.

We compiled a list of our favorite flowers that attract bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds since they are essential to the environment. Some of them are:

  1. Bee Balm
  2. Lavender
  3. Daisy
  4. Milkweed
  5. Tickseed

Continue reading to learn more about the lovely blossoms.

Liz Will from

Bee Balm

Bee Balm is a must-have in the pollinator garden, attracting bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds.

Bee balm is also known as wild bergamot. It gives off a delightfully spicy aroma and brings a unique beauty to your garden. It prefers full sun but will tolerate some shade.

Bee balm doesn’t handle drought very well and needs its roots kept evenly watered. Powdery mildew can sometimes be a problem with this plant. If so, spray with neem oil when it first appears and again as needed.

Once established, bee balm does very well and will spread itself out in the garden, filling in any bare areas within a few years.


Borage is a beautiful flowering annual and a great addition to the pollinator garden. The dazzling blue, star-shaped flowers are visited by butterflies and bees alike.

Beekeepers used to plant borage to increase honey production, and it’s said that honey from bees that have dined on borage make some of the finest tasting honey.

Both the leaves and flowers of borage are edible, with a flavor similar to a cucumber.

Sow seeds directly in the ground in spring, 12 inches apart. After all, the danger of frost has passed. Plant in full sun. Drought tolerant once established.

Ronnie Collins from Electro Garden Tools


This hardy perennial plant is a powerful pollinator attractant and a nuisance insect repellent at the same time. Butterflies and bees just love it, while those pesky mosquitos, fleas, and flies always avoid it because of the strong smell.

Moreover, lavender has some of the most beautiful flowers and aromas. All you need to make this plant feel great in your garden is full sun and well-drained soil.

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Natural low or moderately fertile soil will work the best for lavender. If the climate is very hot, consider planting lavender in a place with evening shade.

Milkweed (butterfly weed)

This exquisite herbaceous plant is probably one of the best butterfly attractants. It can even bring monarchs into your garden if they are present in the region. Besides, it’s exciting for hummingbirds, bees, and other beneficial insects.

This plant is a choice for experienced gardeners as you have to start it indoors then relocate it into the garden soil. Most types of Milkweed grow all over the US, except for the coldest states. If you live in a hot region, consider the Red Butterfly type.

Stephen Webb from Garden’s Whisper

Tickseed (Coreopsis)

Coreopsis is an excellent choice for those seeking plants that attract pollinators to the garden.

This annual flowering shrub has an oval-shaped stem and flowers with yellow petals and brown markings at their center – each of which grows on top of it early during spring or summer when grown outdoors.

It has leaves with toothed edges, while its stems have stiff hairs on them.

When taking care of this plant, you should first make sure that you’ll be able to give it enough sunlight. Also, remember to water it regularly so the soil around its roots will always stay moist and well-drained at all times.

Breckland thyme (Thymus serpyllum)

If you’re looking for plants that attract pollinators in your garden, Breckland thyme should be among the first on your list.

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This perennial ground cover is native to southern Europe, while its leaves are small and grayish-green in color.

It has a tiny, flowering stem and lilac, purple, or magenta scented flowers which usually grow alongside it during late summer or early fall after being planted outdoors.

When taking care of this plant, remember to choose a location with full or partial sunlight where you can let it spread over a wider area so more bees could feed on its nectar as well as visit its blooms.

You should also note that this plant doesn’t like having wet feet – watering it when the soil around its roots is dry will help prevent root rot. Make sure to fertilize it 2 or 3 times a year to promote its blooming and healthy growth.

Jeremy Yamaguchi from Lawn Love


If you live in a zone that gets lots of sun, I think Daisy is one of the easiest flowers to grow that attract different kinds of pollinators.

They require tons of sunlight, though. At least 6 hours of direct sun a day. If you’re in an arid climate, they can get by with partial shade, but for the most part, it’s best to have them exposed to the sun.

They don’t require much in the way of watering or tending. Sometimes I find it helpful to trim back the leaves closest to the ground because they can occasionally divert nutrients.

Ja-ne from Sassy Food

Basil flowers

Basil flowers are one of the best ways to bring pollinators to your garden, and the leaves are delicious. With many varieties, plant several in different areas of your garden.

They grow well in full sun, require daily watering, and are easy to grow. You do need to snip the flowers off of some of the stems to keep it bushy with lots of leaves for you to add to salads, pizza, and just about any savory dish.

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Squash blossoms

My favorite is squash blossoms. Pollinators love it, and the flowers make a great stir fry. They like full sun, lots of fertilizer, and protection from the wind.

They are best planted with beans and corn to make the three sisters. They each benefit from each other grown nearby.

The flowers that first appear are males, so pick some and remove the anther (the part with the pollen).

They make a great stir fry or can stuff with ricotta and tomatoes and bake. Leave enough male and female flowers to attract your pollinators to have the fruit.

Bean flowers

Besides being part of the three sisters, bean flowers attract pollinators. They develop quickly and are easy to pick and cook. They grow well in full sun, just like squash.

They need something to grow on because they are vertical growers, where the corn or sunflower stalks come into play. It makes for a great symbiotic relationship.


Many of our most beautiful insects require nectar and pollen to survive. They pollinate flowers as they go from one to the next, allowing them to set seeds or grow fruit.

As a result, creating a pollinator garden benefits both nature and your plants. It also allows you to observe lovely butterflies flitting and fluttering.

Top 10 Best Pollinator Plants - Best Plants to Attract Pollinators to Your Garden (Expert Recommendations)
Photo of author

Jill Sandy

I am a sustainable focus gardener. I love decorating my home backyard with beautiful landscape design and creative garden care techniques I develop myself.

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