Plumosa Fern: Care And Growing Guide

There has been a recent Plumosa Fern fad among many plant lovers out there. This evergreen plant has been seen all over social media as either an ornamental prop, a wall/ fence screen, or a background plant to flower arrangements.

However, caring for the plant may not be as easy as it seems. And not everyone is aware of that.

Thus, the gist of this article is to provide a comprehensive guide on how to grow Asparagus Fern and care for the plant properly.

Plumosa Fern: Care And Growing Guide

What Is A Plumosa Fern?

Plumosa Fern, botanically called Asparagus Setaceus, commonly called Asparagus Fern, is a type of African-indigenous plant. Contrary to what its name may suggest, Plumosa Fern has no biological relation to asparagus nor fern at all.

Technically speaking, this indoor plant belongs to the lily family, which puts it in the same subdivision as daylily, hyacinth, tulip, or lily of the valley.

The potted plant’s misleading name stems from its distinctive fluffy, willowy-like leaves, making it instantly recognized by plant heads.

There are various types of Asparagus Fern, such as Asparagus Foxtail Fern, Sprengeri Fern, Compact Sprenger Asparagus, Dwarf Asparagus Fern, and Asparagus Plumosus, to name a few. But this time, we are introducing you to the 4 most popular names.

Foxtail Fern

The Asparagus Foxtail Fern or Asparagus Densiflorus is characterized by foxtail-like plumes, streamlined and sharp-looked on either end, with more significant middle parts.

In other words, the plant is very much like a group of giant fluffy worms arching back and forth.

Sprengeri Fern

Sprengeri (or Asparagus Densiflorus) Fern leaves resemble rosemary closely but with emerald-green foliage and thinner needles.

Compact Sprenger Asparagus Fern

Compact Sprenger Asparagus Fern (Asparagus Densiflorus) is considered fast-growing among other counterparts.

It can reach about 2 ft in height and 4 ft invasion. It thrives in containers as well as on open soil.

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Ming Fern

The Chinese Ming Fern sets itself apart from others by the zig-zag branches, dotted with sharp spines over the entire plant.

Because it grows in the beautiful form of bushes or shrubs, people usually adopt this plant type as an ostentatious addition in flower arrangements.

Plumosa Fern Care


We would recommend fast-draining tropical potting soil for this excellent house plant. It will be even better if you mix cactus and succulents for highly nutrient-rich soil.

Fertilizer might be an optional choice. But if you decide to use it, mix the soil well with a layer of organic matter once a month, especially throughout the growing season, for optimal soil texture.

The plant also prefers a rich and slightly acidic soil type, ranging between 6 and 6.8.


You only need to water lace ferns about once or twice a week. They are against being waterlogged around the root balls for too long. Not to mention, overwatering can gradually kill the plant.

Also, at this point, you may ask, “How to tell if the asparagus plant needs water again?” Our short answer is: wait until the top inch of soil level has dried out before giving them another watering.


The Plumosa plant thrives best under medium, indirect light, for example, under morning sun or afternoon shade.

Hence, a place indoors near the window, which can catch a bit of direct sunlight, would be an ideal location for its aggressive, abundant growth.

Still, it’s OK if you cannot grant the plant such partial shade conditions. This shrub can handle direct sunlight outdoors or in a bright room. Yet, the beautiful plant foliage will not churn out as much and quickly as they do in a shady area.

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Don’t forget to mist the plant frequently to supply adequate humidity levels for their daily metabolism. They love wet conditions.

Also, many mini Asparagus Ferns can thrive in the terrarium’s humid environment.


As Asparagus Fern is native to Africa, it requires medium warmth to thrive, ideally within the 64 – 70°F.

Tips on caring for your Plumosa and Asparagus Fern indoors!

Common Problems With Plumosa Fern

The Plumosa Fern can carry toxicity.

While harmless to humans, the Plumosa Fern is dangerous to dogs and cats. Pets that have swallowed parts of the plant will show vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhoea.

The Plumosa Plant is prone to insects and pests.

Infestation may be common in this plant type. You’ll notice some slugs or spider mites goofing around in the proximity of the plants.

It can grow uncontrollably if not supervised.

Whether you grow the Asparagus Fern indoors or outside the house, it can grow and invade your space endlessly without monitoring.

Hence, knowing how and when to cut back Asparagus Fern is another essential aspect to wrap your mind around.

Top Tips For Growing A Healthy Plumosa Fern

Examine The Presence Of Insects And Diseases Daily

These signs most clearly manifest from the discolouration on the lower side of the leaves, the stems, a severe root rot, or the browning of leaves.

Pruning asparagus regularly is considered a viable solution to this insect problem. By cutting the dense foliage, insects will have less of a facilitating environment to thrive.

Or, if required, you may have to resort to using a chemical pesticide to get rid of the pest completely.

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Grow The Asparagus Inside Containers

Planting the asparagus in self-draining pots inside your house gives you more room for fern houseplant care. By doing so, you can move the plants to a place with sufficient light intensity and away from insects.

If you grow the plant from Plumosa seeds, wait until it has at least 2 true leaves to transplant it into a pot.

Root Division (or propagation by root)

Besides planting directly from seeds, root division or splitting tubers from the root balls is an easy and practical method for propagation.


And that concludes our article for today. To recap, the Plumosa Fern is a lovely low-maintenance plant and is not related to fern nor asparagus. It serves multiple purposes, but primarily for decorating the house and for floral arrangements.

Before starting with the plant, make sure that you have fully understood all the work on caring for asparagus to bring about the best results.

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Jill Sandy

I am a sustainable focus gardener. I love decorating my home backyard with beautiful landscape design and creative garden care techniques I develop myself.

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