Top 9 Best Plants that Repel Snakes Recommend by Garden Experts

Snakes play an essential role in ecology. On the other hand, many species have defense characteristics that are detrimental, if not lethal, to humans.

As a result, we asked our gardening experts for a list of plants that repel both venomous and non-venomous snakes in your garden, activity areas, and entryways. Some of them are:

  1. Marigolds
  2. Lemongrass
  3. Onion
  4. Garlic
  5. Yucca

Read our article to find out more.

Aqsa Tabassam from Garden Guide Post


Marigolds are short-heighted plants that have flowers with clustered petals, usually in bright yellow, orange and red colours. They are the most commonly used plants when it comes to deterring pests.

This is because Marigolds’ roots dig deep into the soil and emit a strong odour that reaches into the burrow holes of snakes, moles and other harmful pests.

The snakes are forced to leave their burrows and eventually the garden due to this odour. To take care of Marigolds, make sure to plant them in direct sunlight and keep their soil drained.

Mother-in-Law’s Tongue

Mother-in-Law’s Tongue is a tall house and garden plant that occasionally sprouts small white flowers and does not need any care.

It is an excellent plant for keeping snakes out of your garden because its leaves are razor sharp and can wound snakes as they move around on the ground.

Top 9 Best Plants that Repel Snakes Recommend by Garden Experts
“Mother in law’s tounges” by stillthedudeabides is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

The plant is very low maintenance, requiring water only once a month and indirect sunlight.

Jane Clarke from Fantastic Gardeners Melbourne

Snakes don’t smell like we do. They accumulate molecules on their tongues that then pass through Jacobson’s organ.

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So even if they don’t have a nose and their idea of a smell is a little different from ours, snakes still have an extraordinary way of being aware of their surroundings that can be affected by certain plants.


This excellent herb can reach up to 1.5m in height, and besides helping repel snakes from your garden, it can also be used for cooking.

Lemongrass seeds should be sowed in spring, and then we recommend that you wait until the roots have grown and the stem is around 20cm in height.

Then you can plant the seedlings in a sunny spot outside, usually by early summer. Lemongrass should be well-watered and kept in a sheltered area.


Yucca is a perennial shrub that grows only in full sun in a well-drained area. Make sure you quickly provide these conditions to your plant since it can die out fast.

Its size varies. Some Yucca shrubs only grow around a meter, while others can reach up to 9 meters!

An important rule is to let the seeds soak for a day before you sow them,and the germination should start in around 3 weeks.

Water regularly, remove dead leaves and make sure to cut down the size right before the growing season.


In our list of plants, we will also include Mugwort, even though it’s technically considered a weed, and many people prefer not to have weeds in their garden.

However, Mugwort has an abundance of practical applications – it’s a yellow dye, a food ingredient, insect and snake repellent, and even medicine for some fertility-related problems.

Plant in slightly moist soil that still has a good drainage system. Mugwort can live both in full sun and partial shade, as long as the soil is not too wet. Otherwise, it will die.

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Imani Francies from

Garden plants such as onions and garlic are effective snake repellents. Both plants emit an odour that not only repulses snakes but also confuses them.

Garlic plants are said to be the most effective snake repellents. When a snake slithers over a clove, the plant produces an oily residue.


Onions require direct sunlight. Choose a spot for your onions that other plants don’t shadow.

Onions require soil that is well-drained, loose, and nitrogen-rich. Before planting onion seedlings or sets, amend the soil with compost and fertilizer.


Garlic grows best in full light with well-drained soil. If you have an issue with moist soil, try it on raised beds.

Garlic does not require foliar fertilization, as some gardeners believe. Garlic doesn’t require much irrigation either, thanks to its deep roots, until your soil dries out to 3 or 4 inches deep.

Ella from Baby Items

Andrographis peniculata

This plant has very bitter leaves and roots. It works against snakes by contact. If a snake slithers over the leaves, the snake’s skin swells.

Snakes are aware of this, and they tend to stay away from the plant.

Indian snakeroot

Also known as devil pepper, this plant is used to treat snake bites and repel snakes.


Snakes are beneficial to the garden and ecosystem and should not be killed. Thus it is advised that you use specific plants to keep them away. You may also maintain the grass trimmed to eliminate snake shelter and hiding places.

Most essential, do not allow creatures that are considered “snake food” to enter your garden. You can use bait stations to keep mice and rats away and not leave out food that would attract them.

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Jill Sandy

I am a sustainable focus gardener. I love decorating my home backyard with beautiful landscape design and creative garden care techniques I develop myself.

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