15 Plants that Repel Mosquitoes (Best Anti Mosquito Plants)

To your surprise, mosquitoes are more deadly than all the living organisms on the planet, just after crocodiles and big sharks.

Planting mosquito repellent plants can keep these annoying bugs away thanks to their natural aroma. Try planting any of the following 15 plants in your garden and near your favourite outdoor sitting spots for an itch-free and illness-free summer.

15 Plants that Repel Mosquitoes (Best Anti Mosquito Plants)

1. Catnip Is Not Just For Your Cat

The same plants that keep your cat occupied might also keep her safe from mosquito bites. Add a touch of Nepeta aroma to your kitchen, or scatter some cuttings around the pool and patio for a bite-free zone.

Catnip leaves contain a chemical called nepetalactone, which attracts cats but repels mosquitoes. Indeed, research has revealed that nepetalactone is a more efficient mosquito repellent than the commercial chemical DEET.

Want to plant this flower? Don’t worry. It won’t take you a lot of hassle.

2. Lovely Lavender (I love its relaxing scent most)

While most people like the relaxing scent of lavender, mosquitoes avoid these lovely plants of purple-bloomed flowers. Lavender oil is even said to impair a mosquito’s ability to smell!

Because mosquitoes dislike the aroma of lavender, you may rub the plants on your skin as a natural repellent: finely slice the plants and blend with some oil, or smash the plants and apply them on the skin and clothes if you’re in a hurry.

But I have to say that its extracted oil works much better than fresh flowers. And making DIY lavender oil is not that challenging.

3. Rosemary Works Outside Your Kitchen Too

Rosemary thrives in hot, dry settings and flourishes in pots, making them suitable for colder locations. They may also be trimmed into various shapes and sizes, making them ideal for borders and decorations.

Insects avoid rosemary’s piny aroma, and mosquitoes are no exception. Thus, it’s been used as natural pest control for years.

Want a barbecue in your backyard? The rosemary-infused smoke from a grill is perfect for keeping mosquitoes away, and it will also flavour your meats.

A stone kills two birds, right? So don’t forget “this stone” for a joyful barbecue.

4. Lemongrass Doesn’t Just Go With Pad Thai

This plant is a popular and active ingredient in Asian cuisine since it resembles a tall clump of grass and has a distinct lemon scent and flavour.

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No one can deny that tempting taste, but it is not the case for mosquitoes. Yes, they hate lemongrass.

To use it as a mosquito plant, coarsely slice the stalks of lemongrass and sprinkle them over your patio during the next get-together.

5. Citronella Plants (Well, I call it the sister of lemongrass))

Citronella shares the same aroma with its sister – lemongrass. So there is no doubt that mosquitoes will stay away from this plant, too.

You can crush citronella leaves and stems to extract its oil as a repellent. But isn’t it too time-consuming?

15 Plants that Repel Mosquitoes (Best Anti Mosquito Plants)
“Citronella leaf…” by digitearte is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

Citronella candles are not a bad idea for a hassle-free and time-saving mosquitoes repellent. Even better, you can make homemade citronella candles for more extended use.

6. Basil For Your Mosquito-Free Pasta

While all forms of basil repel flies and mosquitoes, not all basil varieties work the same. The extra-spicy Thai basil has the most significant capacity to do so with its thin leaf and cinnamon aroma.

Choose your favourite kind of this warm-weather herb and put it in a sunny place to keep mosquitoes away.

15 Plants that Repel Mosquitoes (Best Anti Mosquito Plants)

Keep the soil moist, feed it once a month with an all-purpose fertilizer, and pinch off any flower buds that appear since basil stops growing new leaves once it blossoms.

This plant prefers a moist environment, adequate drainage, and plenty of sunlight. Basil plants need full light and warm growing conditions, making them ideal tomato companions.

7. Mint Is Good For Mojito And Bug-repellant

Mint is an effective nontoxic repellent for mosquitoes, flies, and even ants. The stronger the scent, the fewer bugs you’ll encounter. Mints spread like wildfire, so collect them liberally in your quest to rid your yard of mosquitoes.

Grow it in pots on your patio so you can reach it if you wish to throw a leaf or two into your afternoon tea. You may even dry the leaves and use them as a natural pest control strategy inside your house.

8. Pennyroyal – Small But Mighty

Pennyroyal is a member of the mint family with a strong scent that repels mosquitoes and other insects.

One thing to note, though. Because the plant is harmful to people and animals, plant it in a container and out of reach of children and pets. Pennyroyal grows well in full light and wet but not soggy soil.

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9. Bee balm (or Monarda) Keep Bees In And Bugs Out

This plant is a lovely blooming perennial that attracts beneficial pollinators like bees, hummingbirds and butterflies while repelling mosquitoes with its minty-herbal aroma.

Bee balm enjoys full sun, though it appreciates an afternoon shaded spot if grown in warm places.

15 Plants that Repel Mosquitoes (Best Anti Mosquito Plants)

To release the aromatic oils, just crush the leaves. Plus, all summer long, you’ll be able to enjoy gorgeous blooms in tones of red, pink, lavender, white, or purple.

10. Marigold Shoos All Kind Of Bugs and Pests

What repels mosquitoes in marigolds that makes them excellent mosquito repellent is pyrethrum, which is also found in many organic pesticides.

Not only do marigolds repel mosquitoes, but they also repel other pests such as squash nematodes, bugs, whiteflies, Mexican bean beetles and tomato hornworms, according to New York Botanical Garden.

Marigolds work so well because they have a distinct odour that is best characterized as pungent. To keep pests out, grow them in pots and position them near your patio or front door.

Marigolds are pretty simple to cultivate and thrive in pots when placed in a sunny location. Allow the soil to dry somewhat before watering, and remove dead flowers to promote fresh blooms throughout the autumn.

11. Scented Geraniums

While most pelargonium types are cultivated for their vibrant blooms, fragrant geraniums are prized for the pleasant aromas of their leaves. According to New York Botanical Garden, the most prevalent aroma is peppermint, which smells like citronella grass.

Several sorts of pests are kept at bay by the powerful aroma. This annual plant comes in various flavours, but orange, peppermint, lemon and lime scented geraniums are the most efficient insect repellents.

These fast-growing plants prefer warm, sunny, and dry settings, although they may be cultivated in pots in colder climes with frequent trimming.

Allow the soil to dry up before watering, and don’t fertilize since scented geraniums thrive in a somewhat arid environment.

12. Beautiful Floss Flower (or Ageratum)

Floss flower contains coumarin, a substance that helps repel insects but is poisonous to dogs and people if consumed. This lovely annual bloom looks beautiful in a vase or as a bedding plant.

These clusters of fuzzy, tiny purple blossoms are particularly well-suited to containers. Plant them in a part-sun spot with well-draining soil and water them periodically to keep the soil moist.

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13. Another Mint-family Plant – American Beautyberry

American Beautyberry or Callicarpa Americana has tiny white blooms that aren’t very attractive, but the brilliant magenta fruit clusters make this little shrub stand out in the environment.

Beautyberries belong to the Lamiaceae family, which also contains numerous mints. You can make the aromatic oil by crushing the leaves of beautyberries.

While it’s not common in food, the leaves and berries of the American beautyberry are safe to consume. You don’t need to worry about your child accidentally swallowing some of it.

14. Colorful Lantana

According to the Publication of the American Mosquito Control Association, “lantana flower extract in coconut oil provided 94.5 per cent with its thin leaf and cinnamon aroma. The protection from Aedes albopictus and Ae. aegypti.”

This mosquito-repellent oil gives protection for two hours on average, with no detrimental effects on people. The fact that lantana flowers are simple to cultivate in hot, sunny climates and attract butterflies is an added plus.

15. Another Kitchen Herb That Mosquito Hates – Thyme

Grow some thymes in your garden, especially around stepping stones. Your footsteps will break some of the leaves, releasing the anti-mosquito oils that the plant contains.


Did you enjoy our list? Now you can go outside and enjoy the nice summer breeze, and we hope that this will help you enjoy a summer free from bugs.

It might be tempting to use bug spray to repel mosquitoes. You don’t know how the chemicals might affect you. Especially if you have young children, we strongly recommend these natural repellents.

Do feel free to share your experience and thoughts in the comment down below. If you find this list of plants that repel mosquitoes useful, please share it so that your families and friends can enjoy organic bugs-free outings too!

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Jill Sandy

I am a sustainable focus gardener. I love decorating my home backyard with beautiful landscape design and creative garden care techniques I develop myself.

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