While there are different variegated varieties, Monstera Borsigiana is one of the most beautiful Monstera species. This plant shares similar patterns to the ever-popular Monstera Deliciosa, with a few differences to tell them apart.
If you plan to grow Borsigiana any time soon, this article has just the needed information to help you prepare. Check it out!
What is Monstera Borsigiana?
Monstera Borsigiana also referred to as the Swiss cheese plant, is a part of the Araceae family. People often mistake this plant for M. Deliciosa as they’re often sold under the same name and look quite similar when they’re young.
In fact, Borsigiana is a variation of M. Deliciosa. Monstera Deliciosa Borsigiana is native to the forests of South America but can also be found in warm subtropical regions.

“Monstera deliciosa Liebm.” by Ahmad Fuad Morad is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
Its large, fenestrated leaves can grow over 50 feet high at maturity, with deep perforations on maturity. This fact explains why Monstera Borsigiana is a popular and easily recognized houseplant globally.
What is more, these green, heart-shaped leaves can grow as big as 19 inches in their natural outdoor environment. Nonetheless, these stunning plants can grow just fine indoors if you care for Monstera properly.
The difference between a deliciosa and a borsigiana monster:
Monstera Borsigiana Care
Monstera Albo Borsigiana prefers an airy, well-draining soil mix that is slightly acidic (pH ranging from 5.5 to 6.5).
For those who are new to houseplants, these may seem like a lot to process. That’s why you can try the options of potting mix for Monstera below. They’re guaranteed to provide proper growth to your Borsigiana.
- Compost potting mix: You can get this mixture at any nurseries or chain home improvement stores nearby. Compost or universal potting mix works best as a base for your Monstera soil as it contains lots of organic matter and doesn’t cost much.
- Peat moss: The peat moss is there to keep your Monstera potting soil well-drained and also locks the moisture in.
- Perlite: You often see perlite in soil mix for tropical plants because it helps with drainage and moisture while not affecting the acidity level.
What you’re going to do is to mix all of these thoroughly, and there comes the best soil for Monstera.
Also, don’t forget to choose a pot with excellent drainage so your M. Borsigiana can breathe. A good pot should be 2-3 inches larger than the plant’s root ball.
Use the rule of thumb. Let your thumb be a gauge and press it down the soil. If the top 1-2 inches of soil is entirely dry out, it is time for another watering session.
The best way to check is to water until you see water leaking out of the drainage holes at the bottom of your pot.
Liquid fertilizer is encouraged during the summer and autumn months. We suggest you develop a monthly watering schedule with a nutrient rate of 20-20-20.
Like most tropical plants, M. Borsigiana grows well in bright, indirect sunlight. This beautiful plant needs at least 6 hours of daylight a day on a broad scale, so we recommend you place it on a windowsill when it is young.
If your window is facing East, you can leave it there without worrying as it grows older. This location is ideal because the plant can receive an abundant amount of morning light, and the light source at other times of the day is not intense.
Of course, M. Borsigiana accepts bright artificial light and can adapt to low-light conditions. However, the Monstera leaves will grow significantly slower with unclear patterns.
Plant parents need to mimic this greenery’s natural habitat in the tropical jungle with a humidity level of 70%.
It can be pretty challenging to keep the humidity condition steady if you grow the plant indoors, so consider installing a humidifier or using a pebbles tray.
What is the ideal temperature range for a Monstera Variegata Albo at the juvenile stage?
Your dwelling may already have the perfect Monstera temperature, which is from 65℉ to 80℉. If the temperature drops to 60℉ or below, your Borsigiana will stop growing and begin to struggle.
Also, don’t forget to move your Monstera Borsigiana Albo Variegata to a warmer spot before autumn hits.
Common Problems With Monstera Borsigiana
- Yellow leaves: Yellow variegation can result from watering too much, causing soggy soil. However, it can also mean that your plant lacks fertilizer. So, check one of the two factors to see which one is it.
- Brown edges and tips: This is a common occurrence among tropical plants. It is either because the humidity is low or your soil doesn’t have enough organic matter and minerals.
- Leaves not forming holes: When the plant is young, you won’t be seeing any holes on the leaves yet as they’re still immature leaves.
However, if your Borsigiana is in its mature form but still doesn’t have any holes, it is likely due to insufficient light. In this case, you need to place the pot elsewhere with more light or install grow lights.
As mentioned, Borsigiana Albo needs at least 6 hours of sunlight a day, and it can be hard to keep this rate steady daily.
Top Tips For Growing A Healthy Monstera Borsigiana
- Use a pebble-water tray for young Borsigiana and a humidifier when it grows more significant as the tray won’t provide enough humidity.
- Keep an eye on your plant. Borsigiana is known as one of the most ‘dramatic’ indoor plants. Yet, it is pretty easy to take care of if you give it enough attention. So, don’t wait until the problem shows up to check up on the plant.
- Dust the leaves every once in a while. Just like other things in your house, these large-surfaced leaves can get dusty as time goes by. Use a damp cloth and gently wipe the leaves to keep them shiny.
- Spray water on the leaves. We suggest using a spray bottle to add some water on the leaf surfaces for fresh and green leaves.
Now that you know how to take care of a Monstera Borsigiana, it’s time to add one of these stunning variegated plants to your plant collection at home.
Sure, you’ll run into some problems, but as long as you follow the Monstera care tips above, you will be a great plant parent to your Monstera.
Thank you for reading!