Jacaranda Mimosifolia Bonsai: Care And Growing Guide

Jacaranda Mimosifolia Bonsai is a tree with purple flowers. Don’t let its magnificent appearance intimidate you because Jacaranda Mimosifolia is easy to grow.

Despite having highly diverse requirements, Jacaranda trees can thrive if you provide adequate sunlight, warmth, well-drained soil, and frost resistance.

You want to know how to grow and take care of a purple flowering tree? Here are some simple, helpful tips.

What is Jacaranda Mimosifolia Bonsai?

Jacaranda Mimosifolia Bonsai is a south-central South American tree widely distributed because of its violet blooms.

You can find it with many names such as blue jacaranda, the jacaranda, fern tree, or black poui.

Jacaranda Mimosifolia Bonsai: Care And Growing Guide

Jacaranda wood is precious for dyeing and in medical applications. Meanwhile, the Jacaranda leaves belong to the compound leaves and are up to roughly 18 inches (45 cm).

Jacaranda Mimosifolia Bonsai Care

Jacaranda Mimosifolia will probably never bloom indoors. Outdoors is a Jacaranda tree-growing zone.

The tree can lose all of its leaves in the winter if it doesn’t get enough light.

Jacaranda trees perform well in mild and moderate climates. It resists diseases and pests, but you must water it regularly.


Jacaranda Mimosifolia Bonsai loves damp soil, but the roots shouldn’t be wet.

It is best to use commercially available bai soil, with its organic matter and coarse clay mixed in.

Jacaranda trees thrive best in sandy, acidic soil with a pH between 6.5 and 7.5.

Plus, it grows on average from three to four feet a year if the soil is kept moist over the summer and does best in average weather conditions.

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Also, the Jacaranda tree growth rate is five feet per year even if the soil is wet and the drainage is perfect.


It is essential to water Jacaranda Mimosifolia regularly until it is fully grown. As you might know, water is indispensable for the growth of all living things.

It can stand occasional periods of drought, but it may shed its leaves during this duration. On the other hand, if you overwater it, you will see it losing its leaves.

Sounds rather picky, doesn’t it? The rule of thumb is to gently dig your thumb into the soil before you water Jacaranda planting. Wait a few days if the soil is moist.

Jacaranda Mimosifolia Bonsai: Care And Growing Guide

According to the experience, when the soil is dry, it’s time to water. Use high-quality bai soil, which will help avoid overwatering problems. When the purple flower sheds its leaves, cut back on the water.

It is best to water trees regularly because they are active in different ways depending on the weather. If your water does not permeate deeply into the soil, the tree may be resulting in chlorosis.


It is the Jacaranda tree that can tolerate considerable sunlight but does best in the summer shade.

The only thing is providing lots of light in the place during the winter. The winter’s cold condition might prevent it from blooming.

Its favorite temperature is both bright and warm in greenhouse conditions. Also, ensure your Jacaranda planting gets at least 6 to 8 hours of sunlight.

You can maintain Jacaranda blossoms in partial shade in terms of the plant’s color, but the vibrancy and amount will be lower if the conditions are not optimal.

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Humidity is their secret pleasure. Modern homes are usually devoid of moisture. So long as there is not too much dust or other waste collecting in the tray, a tray of wet pebbles helps to increase the humidity.

The ideal humidity is between 40% and 60%, which is usually challenging to achieve. However, many plants prefer high humidity levels.

Tropical plants may show a pale green color, and their lower leaves may appear yellow and drop if this ideal environment is not met.


As it’s easy to grow in subtropical climates, Jacaranda trees appear to enjoy warmer temperatures. Never let the temperature go below 59° F in mild weather.

Jacaranda Mimosifolia Bonsai: Care And Growing Guide

You want to bring them inside during the cold months and keep them near the heating system, but not in direct sunlight.

Common Problems with Jacaranda Mimosifolia Bonsai

Insect Issue

Aphids and scale are only a few of the plant pests that can affect the Jacaranda planting. It is also expected that the plant attracts pests.

Fertilizer And Watering Issues

An abundance of water or lack of fertilizer will weaken the Jacaranda tree.

To keep your trees adequately hydrated, you want to water them every two weeks for the duration of the growing season. Skipping the fertilizer helps them grow well.

Pruning Issue

Jacaranda Mimosifolia – this purple flowering tree grows strongly. Pruning is best done in the springtime when the branches are supple and young.

Too much pruning will keep it from flowering, on the flip side.

Weather Issue

Severe frost damage is another common problem with this variety of Jacaranda Mimosifolia. Therefore, you want to protect it with frost-resistant methods.

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Root Problem

Inexperience or bad caring are frequent causes of severe root damage.

This video shows you how to create a bonsai tree from cheap nursery stock material:

Top Tips For Growing A Healthy Jacaranda Mimosifolia Bonsai

Now, it’s time for some top tips for growing your trees healthfully and beautifully.

Diseases And Pests

Neem oil appears to be the best method in this case.


Keeping the Jacaranda root system moist is mandatory.

If there is not enough water, the leaves will fall off with brown color. And they will be yellow in contrast.

Jacaranda Mimosifolia Bonsai: Care And Growing Guide


Once every other year in spring, placing Jacaranda plants in an extra-fertile well-mixed soil gives them plenty of room to pot.


Jacaranda Mimosifolia Bonsai is easy to grow and take care of with these three golden rules: enough water, plenty of suns, and keep it warm. It will reward you with spectacular purple blossoms.

Especially be mindful during the cold months and bring the tree inside to keep it away from the direct heat and enjoy it at its peak bloom.

We hope that you find this helpful article. Thank you for reading!

Photo of author

Jill Sandy

I am a sustainable focus gardener. I love decorating my home backyard with beautiful landscape design and creative garden care techniques I develop myself.

1 thought on “Jacaranda Mimosifolia Bonsai: Care And Growing Guide”

  1. I am just starting to develop black poui bonsai trees. Five in total. I need guidance to replant them from original potting soil, to bonsai soil. All plants are growing and enjoy the artificial lighting 16 hours each day. I appreciate all suggestions to continue my quest. Thank you


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