Hoya Pubicalyx: Care And Growing Guide

Hoya pubicalyx is a perennial climber that is evergreen. This is a common indoor plant from the Philippines.

The deep-green lanceolate succulent leaves are typically mottled with greyish speck patterns and grow on purplish-grey stalks, giving the plant a pleasing appearance.

This low-maintenance plant does not require too much attention. Let’s learn more about the Pubicalyx plant and how to care for it.

What is Hoya Pubicalyx?

Hoya pubicalyx is a robust vine with deep green lanceolate leaves that loves to climb up a trellis or flow gently over the pot’s sides.

Its leaves are commonly mottled with silvery variegation, and the stems can take on purple hues depending on how much light it receives.

We obtain many Hoya pubicalyx, such as ‘Hoya Pink Silver,’ from the Philippines and choose from the best available.

Eventually, clusters of fragrant star-shaped Hoya blooms appear on the vine, ranging in color from white to pink, crimson, and purple, depending on the types of hoya.

You will learn basic care information for these exotic, light-loving, easy-to-care for vines and hanging plants in this video.


Hoya Pubicalyx Care


The Hoya pubicalyx Speckled plant thrives in a bright, airy, and well-drained soil or substrate. Peat, orchid mix, and perlite in equal amounts can be found in a decent Hoya mixture.


The plant has a medium water demand. Watering should be done 3 times per week in the summer and once per week in the winter.

Keep an eye on the soil and water it if the top 2 inches dry up. The amount of water required is also influenced by the amount of light available and the temperature. The amount of water needed will grow as the temperature and light exposure rise.

The amount of water used at any given time is also determined by the soil/substrate in use. It is preferable to water the plant gently if it is in heavy soil, such as a peaty mixture.

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However, you can water freely in the lighter substrate until the drainage pores begin to flow out. Wet feet are a no-no for these plants. As a result, avoid over-watering or damp soil to keep the plant from developing root rot.


The best type of sunshine is brilliant indirect sunlight. Growing hoyas under trees and in forest gaps is also an intelligent way. As a result, diffused sunlight exposure is preferable.

Gardeners recommend covering the plant with 50 to 80 percent shade cloth if exposed to direct sunlight. Keep them out of direct sunlight as much as possible as this may cause the plant to burn.

However, a little early morning sun will benefit the plant, resulting in vividly colored foliage.


Wax plants prefer high humidity levels. It is optimal for them to have about 70% moisture in the air. Consider keeping them near a humidifier on dry days.


The ideal temperature range for Hoyas is 30 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit. The plant thrives in temperatures between 30 and 40 degrees Fahrenheit.

The Waxy Vines are not resilient to frost. When the temperature drops below 10 °F, consider moving them to a warm location.

Common Problems With Hoya Pubicalyx

Yellowing leaves

An indication of too much water is yellowing foliage. Make sure the pot has sufficient drainage and that the soil surface is dry in between waterings.

Consider repotting into a faster-drying mix, such as hoya soil, if the soil is kept too wet for too long.

Thin or wrinkling leaves

Hoya leaves that are thin are a symptom of stress. Make sure the plant isn’t sitting in water or compacted soil and has excellent drainage.

The presence of wrinkled leaves could suggest that the plant is thirsty and needs water. If the plant’s leaves are wrinkled and the soil is kept damp, the plant’s roots may be decaying. Remove the plant from its container gently and inspect the roots for health.

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Dropping new leaves

It’s a symptom of water stress if your Hoya pubicalyx is actively developing but dropping new leaves before they’ve fully grown. Have you given the plant a good soak recently? Or have you been letting the Hoya dry up between waterings for too long?

To reduce the plant’s considerable changes in circumstances, try modifying your watering schedule. Hoya that are actively growing or about to flower will require more water than a dormant Hoya.

Slow or no growth

Hoya plants have a reputation for being fickle. A change in the environment might cause the plant to go into partial dormancy, halting growth for weeks or months.

Allow time for the plant to acclimate to its new environment, especially if it was just bought home from the store or transferred from outside to inside or vice versa.

Misshapen leaves

Hoya, especially those with thicker leaves, might produce deformed foliage on occasion. This is usually due to stress during the leaf’s development.

The plant may have been overwatered, the temperature was unusually high or low, or the plant was relocated to a new environment. If future conditions are more consistent, new growth on the plant should have the ‘correct’ shape.

Top Tips For Growing A Healthy Hoya Pubicalyx

  • Hoyas prefer to be root bound, so don’t report them too soon!
  • If you want your Hoyas to grow up a pole or other support, you can train them to do so.
  • Try not to move your Hoya once you’ve found the perfect location for it.


Because it is easy to care for and drought tolerant, this air plant with succulent leaves is an excellent houseplant for beginners.

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Aside from well-draining soil and warm, humid circumstances, tropical Hoya Pubicalyx plants require no special care. The waxy, out-of-this-world star-shaped flowers that Hoya plants produce are just to die for.

Hoya Pubicalyx: Care And Growing Guide
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Jill Sandy

I am a sustainable focus gardener. I love decorating my home backyard with beautiful landscape design and creative garden care techniques I develop myself.

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