Hoya Obovata: Care And Growing Guide

Hoya Obovata is an excellent choice for indoor gardening because it does not take much skill and experience. But understanding how to grow a Hoya plant effectively has to involve a wide variety of factors.

The excellent news is non-toxic Hoya Obovata care is easy to practice due to its low-maintenance plant growth. You can grow this exotic tropical plant into essential healthy greenery with the expert care article here.

What Is Hoya Obovata?

Hoya Obovata is a semi-succulent epiphytic plant, naturally pulling moisture and nutrients in the air to hold water in its thick leaves. Hoya’s meaning is related to any plant of the asclepiadaceous genus Hoya.

Hoya Obovata: Care And Growing Guide

Also, this species is more widely known as wax plant and makes a stunning indoor hanging plant. You will be amazed by its fully-grown phase with star-shaped flowers and large, deep green oval-shaped leaves.

Most importantly, this house plant is drought-resistant, meaning it requires infrequent watering but constant sunlight absorption. Busy gardeners will love to plant such greenery with little ongoing care.

Do you know how to best care for your hoyas? I’ll give some of my top hoya care tips in this video:

Hoya Obovata Care


Essential nutrients for plants mainly come from the Hoya soil. That is why it is important to get suitable potting soil for an Obovata plant. Well-drained soil ensures good drainage by abolishing excess water.

You can certainly make rich and well-draining soil from scratch. Experienced gardeners use peat-based potting soil with a mixture of orchid bark and perlite due to its optimal drainage for root aeration.

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Highly compacted soil, such as store-bought regular garden soil, is not suitable for Hoya. Its density disposes of necessary nutrients and makes it hard for natural elements (water, air) to penetrate properly.


Following essential houseplant care tips for Hoya Obovata, you may be aware of its ultra-thick green leaves. Along with its drought-tolerant feature, this greenery can survive several weeks without watering.

A professional watering tip is to plant the Obovata in a terracotta pot with a drainage hole on the bottom. It’s best if the pot does not retain water since excess water is the main issue of soggy soil, posing a risk of root rot.

Hoya Obovata: Care And Growing Guide

Being a semi-dormant plant, Hoya Obovata tends to grow slower in colder seasons. Therefore, you want to reduce the watering frequency during the winter months since it does not require much water for hydration.


There are particular Hoya light requirements that you want to keep in mind if you are growing this plant inside the house. Hoya Obovata usually thrives better under bright but indirect light from the window.

You want to check for the window direction before potting this plant. Either a sunny south-facing window or one facing east is suitable for Hoya growth. Use a sheer curtain to avoid direct sunlight exposure.


Being a tropical plant means Hoya Obovata will enjoy slightly more humidity in its surroundings. Specifically, you want to adjust the humidity level indoors not to fall below 60 percent – its tolerance rate.

However, humidity can still reduce to 10% in heated houses. Thus, it is ideal for placing the Hoya closer to a humidifier (if available). Other indoor spots with higher humidity are the bathroom and the kitchen.

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This houseplant prefers the warm climate of a tropical environment. In normal household temperatures, Hoya Obovata will reach its full growth potential from the range of 60°F to 85°F (about 15°C to 29°C).

A cooler temperature below this range is not ideal for Hoya planting. Remember not to place its pot near drafty windows or heat vents to avoid extreme temperatures. This condition quickly leads to droughts.

Common Problems With Hoya Obovata

Root rot

Root rot is common trouble that can occur to all plant types, even with a drought-tolerant species like Hoya Obovata. Waterlogged soil due to overwatering is the main cause of inadequate drainage in the pot.

Hoya Obovata: Care And Growing Guide

Consequently, the gardener will need to switch different watering routines in the winter and summer seasons. If any signs of root rot are appearing, consider decreasing the frequency or amount of watering.

Blooming failure

Because sufficient lighting is essential in growing Hoya Obovata, the tropical plant will fail to produce flowers if not getting enough light. Follow the instructions above so your greenery can receive better light exposure.


One of the major Hoya plant problems, and many other indoor house plants, is having pests. Most gardeners are familiar with whiteflies, scale insects, spider mites, or mealybugs on their plants.

It is a relief to know that simple homemade pesticides will solve this problem. A blended mixture of insecticidal soap in a spray bottle is the most effective solution you can try at home to eliminate pests.

Leaf drop / Stem dieback

Occasional watering is not always the best practice to help grow Hoya Obovata. A poorly-drained soil mix will get soggy, resulting in root rot. Afterward, you will find wilted leaves falling from the plant.

Hoya Obovata: Care And Growing Guide

Besides leaf drop, there is a high chance that the Hoya plant may endure stem dieback in the cold winter with freezing temperatures.

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Top Tips For Growing A Healthy Hoya Obovata

  • The perfect temperature range for Hoya Obovata is between 60°F and 85°F.
  • Maintain an appropriate watering schedule through different seasons. Only water the plant when your fingers find the top 2 inches of soil are dry.
  • Place the Hoya Obovata pot near an east-facing sunny window with bright, indirect sunlight.
  • Use well-draining soil mixed with sharp drainage. Consider adding orchid bark and perlite for enhanced water absorption.
  • The humidity level should constantly oscillate from 60 percent and above.


This informative Hoya care guide can help you become a gardening expert in growing Hoya Obovata in the house. All available tips and advice here help develop a healthy and fast-growing plant as long as followed correctly.

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Jill Sandy

I am a sustainable focus gardener. I love decorating my home backyard with beautiful landscape design and creative garden care techniques I develop myself.

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