41 Best Gardening Tips for Beginners

Gardening is a subtle art and science so it can be challenging for beginners. However, with some helpful gardening tips, you can become a farmer in no time.

If you are more interested in what the experts have to say, take a look at our roundup on best gardening tips here.

People have been starting their hobbies during this pandemic and if yours is gardening, it’s the perfect time to try your hand at it now.

You don’t need to have a green thumb to enjoy growing your own plants, all you need is passion and our list of 41 easy and affordable gardening tips and tricks.

41 Best Gardening Tips for Beginners

#1 Choose the Right Plants to Grow

Unfortunately, not all crops can be viable where you live. Before heading out to the local store for some seeds, check this USDA’s plant hardiness zone map as well as the seeds’ packaging and plant labels to know what grows best in your area.

#2 Start Seeds in Eggshells

Save your money by using your seemingly useless eggshells instead of seed starting trays. As the shell is breaking down over time, it will simultaneously enrich the soil with their nutrients.

To check out how to get this jump-start on your seeds, visit this link!

#3 Citrus Peel Starter Pot

Another awesome gardening hack to grow your seeds is using citrus peels. All you need is a carved-out large lemon to provide the perfectly acidic environment for the seedling to thrive.

Click here for more details!

#4 DIY Self-Watering Seed Starters with Water Bottles

Recycling is the best when it comes to gardening. With this very clever project, you can make a seed starter pot, which can automatically hold the right moisture level for your plants at almost no cost.

Learn how to make this amazing project with this tutorial!

#5 Soda Bottle Drip Feeder

If you are growing plants that require their moisture to be delivered at their roots, this DIY project is what you need to help them grow better. All you need is an old plastic soda bottle and little work for a slow release of water near the roots.

Check out the detailed tutorial if you are keen on making one!

#6 Organic Insect Spray

Insects and other pests are annoying, but so are chemical pesticides. However, you can make an organic insect spray and it’s highly affordable, efficient, fast, and effortless.

To know more about this perfect solution, visit this link!

#7 Natural Soil Fertilizer Tricks

Fertilizers are essential to enrich the soil, allowing your plants to grow better and even end up with bigger fruits and veggies.

Start saving some money in your garden by checking out these 7 natural soil fertilizer tricks!

#8 Diaper Hack

Do you know that your baby’s diaper can be recycled? It is disgusting but in fact extremely nutrimental for your plants and flowers. Next time, instead of throwing it away, use it to make a hanging pot.

Learn how to use the waste to enrich the soil with this guide!

#9 DIY Raised Garden Bed

Everyone loves hassle-free gardening and with under 20 minutes of light work, you can assemble a raised garden bed for your plants.

See also  Top 20 Expert Tips on How to Get Rid of Voles

Check out the in-depth tutorial for this amazing garden bed!

#10 The Pot In A Pot Trick!

With this simple tip, you can solve a whole lot of gardening problems. With this pot-in-a-pot trick, you can move your plants around with ease, without upsetting the plants nearby.

To know exactly how to create this Pot-ception, check out this link!

#11 Paper Plant Pots

This project costs you almost nothing but a pile of newspaper and some cylindrical objects to act as molds. Not to mention that these paper posts are completely biodegradable.

Check out the detailed tutorial from BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine!

#12 Make Your Own Compost

Why spend money on compost if you can make it on your own? You can keep your plants and flowers properly nourished with only dead and rotting leaves, eggshells, unused tomatoes, and any other organic products you can find in the kitchen trash bin.

To know what makes the best compost, take a look at this website!

#13 Grow Roses in Potatoes

Have you known that potatoes can act as a great plant pot for rose cuttings? The potatoes will maintain moisture for the cuttings while the roots are developing.

Apply these helpful techniques for cutting and growing your roses!

#14 Use Baking Soda for Sweeter Tomatoes

Home-grown tomatoes are normally juicier than the ones sold at supermarkets. However, you can make them even sweeter using baking soda.

Excited yet? Check out the ultimate guide!

#15 Strawberry Pallet Support System

Strawberries are juicy and sweet, but growing them is a real challenge. One of the most important things to prepare is a sturdy and durable support system and you can make it entirely from pallets!

To learn the how-to, visit this link!

#16 Potato Towers

Potatoes are one of the most popular foo ingredients as it can be used as a main dish or a side dish. However, growing them is anything but easy. With this DIY potato tower, you can have them ready in the backyard without too much effort!

Start to make one using this detailed tutorial!

#17 Mosquito Control Herbs

Plants can help solve lots of problems, including repelling insects and mosquitoes. You can put them all in a pot and chase the bugs away fast.

To know what herbs you should be growing, check out this guide!

#18 Grow Leftover Green Onions

Don’t buy green onions anymore, as it is extremely easy to grow them at home. All you need is some leftover green onions and little effort to take care of them.

Grow your green onions with this tutorial!

#19 Easy Water Collecting

Rainwater is free, so why not take advantage of it? Install a rain barrel today to reduce your water bill.

Check out this link to start installing one for your garden!

#20 Use Plastic Bins as Mini-Greenhouses

This is one of the best gardening tips and tricks for beginners as it can serve as mini-greenhouses for growing seedlings in extreme weather.

See also  How to Choose the Best Hydroponics Reservoirs

Make an affordable and versatile mini-greenhouse with this guidance!

#21 DIY Mason Jar Herb Garden

If you love cooking with fresh herbs, this project is perfect for you!. You can also use them as a cute little gift to your family and friends.

Create this herb heaven using this how-to!

#22 Straw Bale Garden

41 Best Gardening Tips for Beginners

If you live in the countryside, this straw bale would be a beautiful addition to your cottage, farm, or rustic house. Another good point is that all you need is scrap pieces and building materials that you would have probably thrown away anyway.

To learn how to make one for yourself, check out this tutorial!

#23 Milk Jug Watering Can

A good thing about gardening tips is that you can save money and the environment both at the same time. Instead of buying a watering can, you can just recycle your empty plastic milk carton.

How to transform it into the watering can? Check out this guidance!

#24 Calcium Boost from Eggshells

Stop throwing away your eggshells as they can be ground into powder and give your plants a calcium boost.

To know how to make it exactly, visit this link!

#25 Reduce the Weight of a Heavy Pot

A heavy pot will make it difficult to move around. But you can reduce the weight by simply filling the bottom part with foam peanuts. These foams will also help improve the drainage of your soil.

Save your back by learning the tutorial!

#26 Rubbermaid Container Garden

41 Best Gardening Tips for Beginners

This is the ideal solution if you lack room on your balcony or are trying to grow the seedlings in the perfect environment before moving them to the garden.

Check out the how-to to make one for your plants!

#27 Assorted Methods to Kill Slugs

A few slugs can actually be helpful to your garden. But if you find them bothersome and want to get rid of them, there are several ways to do so.

Check out these methods to solve your slug issue!

#28 Grow Corn From Popcorn Kernels

It might sound insane but it’s true and doable. If you have some unflavored popcorn kernels laying around the kitchen, turn them into living plants!

Look for them in the kitchen and start your corn garden with this tutorial!

#29 Make a Weed Killer With Vinegar

Using vinegar is a great way to keep both pests and unwanted weeds at bay. With only 3 cheap household ingredients you can easily find in the kitchen, you can make a safe and reliable weed killer on your own!

Check out what the ingredients needed here!

#30 DIY Wild Bird Treat

If you love having feathered friends to come to enjoy your garden with you, learn how to make a wild bird treat!

Spoil your back yard birds following this simple guidance!

#31 Starter Fertilizer for Tomatoes

With common and affordable ingredients, you can make efficient starter fertilizer for your tomatoes. The finished fertilizer mix might look intimidating financially, but keep it in mind that it is for bulk tomato fertilizing.

Check out this Youtube video to learn the how-to.

#32 Elevated Flower Bed

This bed might look complicated but in fact, is hassle-free and super easy to make. This version is for beginners, so don’t sweat it, you can definitely make one yourself.

See also  Top 7 Indoor Fruit Trees with Expert Tips For Beginners

Learn the detailed how-to if you are interested!

#33 Label Your Plants with Chopsticks

It’s difficult sometimes to realize your own plants, given that they don’t look like their seeds, at all. However, you can solve this problem easily by putting their labels on chopsticks.

Check out more ideas to use common household products here!

#34 Grow Leftover Romaine Lettuce

Tired of running to the store whenever you need Romaine lettuce for your salad? That problem can be easily solved by regrowing romaine lettuce in dirt.

How to do that? Check out this link for the tutorial!

#35. Turn a Pallet into a Planter

If you have an unused pallet and happen to be in need of a planter, your problem is gone. It is cheap, easy to make, and space-saving. It can also be used as a lovely beautiful addition to your garden.

Start your beautiful flower corner with this detailed tutorial!

#36 DIY Compost Bin

Compost is vital if you want your plants and flowers to grow healthily. You can easily turn food waste into compost, but you will need a bin to store them as well.

To learn how to make that bin, check out this link!

#37. Water Sprinkler from a Plastic Bottle

There are multiple ways to reuse your empty plastic bottle and making a water sprinkler is a great one of them. It is also a fun project to keep your children happy in the garden.

To learn how to make one, check out this Youtube video!

#38 DIY Butterfly Feeder

Butterflies are beautiful guests and if you love them in your garden, create a butterfly feeder.

Learn how to make one yourself with this detailed guidance on Youtube!

#39 A Garden Apron from Old Jeans

It’s hard to keep our clothes clean from gardening. However, you can still put on an apron to minimize the risk. And with a pair of scissors, an old pair of jeans, you can make your own one.

It’s simple, but check out this link to make sure it goes smoothly.

#40 Make a Garden Bed with Cardboard

A raised garden bed can be expensive. But you can make one yourself by using cardboard only.

Ready to convert a lawn into a garden? If yes, check out the tutorial here!

#41 Beautify Your Planters

As stated above, gardening is not only about growing plants, it is also a subtle art. Make your gardening experience even more exciting by simply adding in some colors and patterns.

Learn more great ideas and start beautifying your planters!


Have you got excited to start your own garden? Does any of these tricks seem helpful? Or does any of them inspire you to come up with your own ones?

Gardening takes time and effort, but it is a fun hobby that is good for your health, both mentally and physically. We hope that the gardening tips listed above can give you a brief idea of how to create your garden.

Photo of author

Jill Sandy

I am a sustainable focus gardener. I love decorating my home backyard with beautiful landscape design and creative garden care techniques I develop myself.

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