10 Easy-to-grow Bulbs for a Garish Garden (Expert Ideas)

Winter passed, spring came. Gardeners start to look for easy-to-grow bulbs to make the garden fresher.

We asked our garden experts, and some of the recommended bulbs are:

  1. Tulips
  2. Daffodils
  3. Hyacinth

Read through the article to find out more bulbs and ways to care for them.

Arik Barel from JudaicaWebStore

Not all of us have green thumbs, or some of us are just starting as gardeners, so it’s a perfect opportunity to dirty your hands with these bulbs.


A guaranteed bloom on the first season, Dahlias is the easiest way to make your garden pretty. Some things to make the plant healthy are getting soil rich with organic material and adding phosphorus to the soil.

10 Easy-to-grow Bulbs for a Garish Garden (Expert Ideas)


Allium or ornamental onions require full sun and well-drained soil and bloom in late spring or early summer. Make sure to plant in a group of 3-5 for a bushy bloom.

10 Easy-to-grow Bulbs for a Garish Garden (Expert Ideas)

Owen Mosser from TheGolden.com


Hyacinths belong to the lily family. When you take a closer look at each bulb and smell its fragrance, you will see the two’s resemblance.

10 Easy-to-grow Bulbs for a Garish Garden (Expert Ideas)

You can grow the bulbs 4 inches deep and a minimum of 3 inches apart from each other. Water thoroughly after planting and covering the bulb with soil.

They also enjoy being in the light shade of a half-day sun.

Ed Wike from Garden Grow Guide

I love tulips. Tulips make an excellent plant for almost anyone. Check out these tips to ensure your tulips are happy:

Plant at the proper timing.

Tulips enjoy sunny weather when planted, so any time between late-April to mid-May would be acceptable. However, they do not like to be planted on rainy days. Wait for a sunny day and make sure the soil is damp.

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Choose the right location.

Tulips tend to be a little picky when it comes to location. They prefer rich, moist, well-drained soil.

10 Easy-to-grow Bulbs for a Garish Garden (Expert Ideas)

Bulbs should be spaced equally.

Tulip bulbs should be planted about 8-12 inches apart. It’s best to grow at wider intervals to ensure you don’t accidentally break the bulbs when you are gardening.

Keep bulbs moist.

Although tulip bulbs tend to be longer-lived than other bulbs, they still can get water-logged. Make sure you always have a drip emitter on your indoor planter, so your tulips get enough moisture every single day.

Don’t forget about your bulb after harvest!

Fall is also the time of year tulips begin to sprout up.

Jane Clarke from Fantastic Gardeners Melbourne


There are over 80 species of this beautiful flower, and many hybrids are produced by mixing these species.

10 Easy-to-grow Bulbs for a Garish Garden (Expert Ideas)

The crocus is always one of the first spring flowers that bloom despite the cold weather. They are very durable and thrive both in your backyard and forced into pots.


Snowdrops look gentle and easily breakable, but they are one of the most durable plants on the planet.

10 Easy-to-grow Bulbs for a Garish Garden (Expert Ideas)

They grow by poking their way through the snow, and they withstand all kinds of unpleasant weather conditions. Their bulbs form clumps, and this is why they grow in piles.

Tips for taking care of bulbs:

How to care for spring bulbs

If your spring bulbs activate and bloom in early spring, their foliage will naturally start to fade and turn yellow by the middle of summer.

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Many bulb growers make the common mistake of cutting off the yellowing foliage too early or braid it to hide its appearance.

All that exposes the bulb to dangerous bacteria, which can cut its life short. Instead, you should plant colorful perennials in front of the bulbs for the summer to cover them.

10 Easy-to-grow Bulbs for a Garish Garden (Expert Ideas)

Paying attention to bulbs after they’ve bloomed is just as important as when they start flowering.

Removing flowers as soon as they start to fade is a great way to save energy and encourage them to bloom again next year.

How to care for summer bulbs

Summer bulbs are planted in early spring and bloom in the summer. Most of these flowers come from areas with a warm climate, so they don’t like cold, freezing weather.

So, if you live in a colder climate, I would recommend digging them up as soon as the first fall frost arrives. Store them in a soft crate in a cold and dark space.

Like spring bulbs, you need to cut off the flowers as soon as they start dying. Summer blooming bulbs love rich soils, so it’s a good idea to use a general fertilizer once you plant them, especially if your soil is poor.

Bryan McKenzie from bumpercroptimes.com


This plant blooms with very unusual pineapple-like flowers and requires full sun exposure and generous watering. It’s one of the easiest summer/autumn options for beginners.

10 Easy-to-grow Bulbs for a Garish Garden (Expert Ideas)

Ornamental Onions

This garlic cousin produces beautiful blooms, needs full sun exposure and average watering.

10 Easy-to-grow Bulbs for a Garish Garden (Expert Ideas)

Bulbs multiply overtime and give more flowers every year, but I recommend surrounding them with some showy plants to hide yellowing leaves.

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Erinn Witz from SeedsandSpades.com

Perennial bulb flowers are a fantastic addition to almost any garden or landscape. Not only are they among the first flowers to greet you every spring, but many options are easy to care for.


You just can’t beat the vibrant yellow color of daffodils in mid-spring! And daffodils also have a soft fragrance that smells just like fresh earth.

New daffodil bulbs are best planted in the fall since they need to go through a cold season to produce their blossoms. For most areas of the country, September, October, and November are prime planting months.

10 Easy-to-grow Bulbs for a Garish Garden (Expert Ideas)

Daffodils prefer full or partial sun and soil that drains quickly.

Dig a hole about twice as deep as the bulb is tall, place one bulb in each hole, and cover with soil. Space your holes about 4 to 6 inches apart.

Care Tips

These plants are genuine bulbs, meaning that they have a rounded shape with one pointy growth, outcropping, or eye. Always make sure the eye faces upward when planting your bulbs.

Especially for bulbs that bloom in early spring, the dissipating frost should provide enough moisture for your plant to thrive. If you live in a warmer climate, check the soil moisture with your finger before giving any water.


Easy-to-grow bulbs will brighten your garden. It is not only easy to grow but also perishes. Remember to water, fertilize and plant them in the right season to produce the most prominent flowers.

I hope the suggestions from our experts are helpful to you. See you again.

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Jill Sandy

I am a sustainable focus gardener. I love decorating my home backyard with beautiful landscape design and creative garden care techniques I develop myself.

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