Top 9 Early Spring Flowers that are Easy to Grow (with Expert Suggestions)

Spring is when the trees are sprouting, flowers blooming, giving off the scent, making life more beautiful. So what flowers usually bloom in early spring?

We asked our garden experts for some early spring flowers and tips to take care of them. Some suggestions include:

  1. Tulips
  2. Hyacinths
  3. Roses

Read our article to find out more!

Eileen Martin from Style for my House

Gerbera daisies

Gerbera daisies are early spring flowers that can be grown at home. They can be grown in containers and are simple to take care of.

They require full sun to partial shade and need a spot with well-drained soil. The features of a gerbera daisy are it has tall flower stalks that have been cut back, and it has large flowers it grows in a cluster at the top of the stalks.

Care tips

Tips on how to take care of these flowers include making sure they are planted in an area with at least 6 hours of sunlight for both morning and afternoon.

They prefer full sun in the morning, though part of the afternoon can still be partially shaded. Allow the soil to dry out a bit before watering. Gerbera daisies need to be fertilized regularly.

Erinn Witz from


These tiny, softy-colored flowers are usually the very first blooms you’ll see peeking through the early spring ground. They can even grow through the last of the winter snow!

Plant your snowdrop bulbs in the fall, about 2 to 3 inches deep in well-draining soil. Be sure to choose a location that gets plenty of shade during the warm summer months.

Underneath trees, shrubs or bushier summer perennials are all great options.

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When choosing your planting location, keep in mind that snowdrops only reach a few inches in height, so planting them in large groups in easy sight will help you get the most enjoyment from your snowdrop display.

Snowdrops are particularly suited to colder climates, and they will likely not grow well in areas that stay warm all winter.


Crocuses bloom in various bright colors, with the most common being purple, yellow, and white. Their cheerful colors make a striking contrast to the bare ground around them.

Plant your crocus bulbs in the fall, usually between September and November (depending on your region). Choose a location with well-draining soil and plant your bulbs about 3 to 4 inches deep.

Even though crocuses are slightly taller and easier to see than soil and snowdrops, they are still small, standing just about 6 inches tall. Be sure to plant your crocuses in an easy line of sight!


These tiny flowers have a domed shape that always somehow reminds me of a mushroom! They come in a variety of classic spring colors, like pink, soft blue, and violet.

Like any spring bulb, plant your hyacinth bulbs in the fall. Choose a full-sun location that doesn’t retain excessive water.

Plant your bulbs deeply in a hole that’s about 3 to 4 times deeper than your bulb is tall.

Hyacinths usually bloom a little later than snowdrops and crocuses, but not by much. They stand a bit taller than their other early spring counterparts, and they make excellent cut bouquets.

Care Tips

Early spring flowers are perennials that grow from bulbs. This makes them very self-sufficient, and you shouldn’t have much if anything, to do in caring for them.

In many parts of the country, spring rains and any remaining moisture from frost are enough to give your early spring blooms the water they need.

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And thanks to high oxalic acid content, early spring flowers aren’t attractive to deer or rabbits, even if you’ve had a harsh winter.

Carrie Horn from Finding Nectar Nursery


Tulips are bulbs that can be planted when the ground is thawed enough to dig in them. Tulips come in a wide variety of vibrant colors that are usually larger and very showy when they bloom in late spring.

Since they are perennials, they require minimal maintenance. Watering weekly is all they need after planting.

Pansies and snapdragons

They should be started inside and moved outside when they are hearty enough to handle Denver’s unpredictable early spring.

Pansies have overlapping heart-shaped pedals that come in a comprehensive arrangement of bright colors (you should look them up, there are so many other color variations besides the standard yellow and violet pansies we’re accustomed to seeing)!

They are also known for having faces in the center of the petals, which makes them more eye-catching. Pansies can bloom in cooler weather but make sure to plant them in the soil you can keep moist and when the ground is above 45 degrees.

In Colorado, we tend to treat pansies as annuals, or they end up with “leggy” long stems.

Blue Columbine

The earliest spring plant we carry at Finding Nectar is our state flower, the Blue Columbine. 3 species of Columbines come in a range of different colors.

When planting, make sure to pick a location that gets full sun. Make sure to plant on a cloudy day and dig a hole at least 12 inches deep as they do not like having wet feet.

To help Columbines thrive, make sure to add compost to your soil and deadhead regularly to extend their bloom time.

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Jeff Gordon from


Grow anywhere! Roses love sunlight, so that you can use hardscape or remote sunspots to grow cut roses all season long.

When planting roses in flower pots, make sure you choose a large enough container for the roots.

A minimum of 5 gallons is recommended, although larger pots will work as well. By planting your roses in flowerpots, you can rearrange them in your garden without digging up the plant.

Roses also need consistent watering to thrive. Roses do best when the leaves and petals stay relatively dry. Focusing all of the water directly on the roots results in far less fungus and mildew.

Common garden pests such as slugs or insects love to damage rosebushes. Container gardening makes it more difficult for them to damage the plants. Thanks to this, the need for chemical treatments such as sprays or powders is significantly reduced.

At the end of the growing season, potted roses can be sheltered for the winter. Wait for the first frost of the season and then move the pots indoors to a garage or shed.

Don’t keep them in a heated location, or the heat will prevent them from going dormant! When spring arrives, simply move your pots back outside.


Hopefully, the above article has helped you find the answer about early spring flowers and how to take care of them. Wish you have a beautiful little garden full of blooming flowers!

Photo of author

Jill Sandy

I am a sustainable focus gardener. I love decorating my home backyard with beautiful landscape design and creative garden care techniques I develop myself.

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