Asparagus Fern: Essential Facts & Instructions (For Beginners)

Asparagus fern is originally an indoor bonsai but now popularly adapts to the outdoor culture. In today’s article, let’s discover all the critical information contributing to successful growth and some common problems to avoid.

What Is Asparagus Fern?

Asparagus fern is an evergreen plant originating from Africa. It looks elegant with bright green lace foliages, feather fern, and sometimes fern flowers and berries. Besides decorating, it helps clean the indoor air.

The easy-to-grow asparagus fern is now popularly used as a houseplant or an outdoor bonsai. It’s so easy to thrive that some places like New Zealand and Hawaii consider it an invasive weed.

Though called asparagus fern with fronds look similar to the top of the stalk of asparagus, it is a member of the lily family. People also name it emerald fern, emerald feather, or lace fern.

Asparagus fern care and propagation is discussed in this video.

Asparagus Fern Care

Caring for asparagus is pretty simple. For indoor asparagus fern growing, it works in hanging baskets, wall boxes, and all kinds of planters. It grows well alone or intermixed in the outdoor, partially shaded ground, or under soft sunlight.

Asparagus fern indoor plant care requires a bit more effort due to some restrictions in growing conditions. Below is detailed information on how to care for asparagus fern.


For indoor, plant them in loose pots with well-drained potting soil. As for the outdoors, grow them in rich, well-drained, and slightly acidic ground.

Asparagus fern still tolerates less-than-ideal soil but the more care, the better growth. Feed them in summer with a slow-release fertilizer or weekly by a water-soluble one diluted to half strength.


Asparagus fern is well drought tolerant, but full-watered is suggested to keep the soil moist.

Indoors, daily misting focusing on the arching steams is necessary. Once the fronds turn brown and droopy, it is a cue of water-demanding.

Outdoors, adjust the amount of water added due to weather conditions, and not let the soil dehydrate entirely.

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Asparagus fern prefers dappled shade or soft light. Intense sunlight may scorch its foliages while lacking light tends to make them turn yellow.

Indoors, put it next to the windows or porch several hours daily if its original place is somewhat lightless.

Outdoors, the plant can adapt to full sun, but it’s better to grow them along the wall or intermixed with larger flowers to get some shade.


Asparagus fern plants thrive on humidity. Meanwhile, indoor areas can quickly get dry, especially in the winter heart. Therefore, daily misting is crucial to maintain ideal moisture when it comes to in-house asparagus plant care.

For outdoor planting, you just need a well-watered schedule to keep the ground at the proper humidity.


Asparagus fern grows well in warm and humid climates. So, try to maintain a temperature at about 70°F and don’t let it drop under 55°F. Additionally, freezing weather at about 32°F can kill the plant.

For indoors, the average room temperature is ideal for supporting it. Feed the plant well with enough water and fertilizers to enhance its ability to withstand winter conditions.

In the garden, there are some solutions to keep the asparagus fern warm:

  • Water the ground until very moist if it is cold and has low humidity. Since moist soil is reportedly to hold heat better than dry soil.
  • Spread a 2 to 3 inch-thick layer of lightweight and breathable organic matter such as straw, dried leaves, or shredded bark around the base of the plants.
  • Make a tent from a lightweight sheet to cover the asparagus fern to maintain heat and separate the plants from frost.

You can apply these solutions to indoor asparagus as well.

Common Problems With Asparagus Fern

Asparagus fern leaves turn yellow


  • Over-watering – This happens because you are watering too frequently or your soil is poor-drained. Exeed water may separate the roots from oxygen, plus disturbing the soil structure.
  • Under-watering: In opposite, lacking water is also a reason for yellow asparagus fern. Here, the ground will be dry to touch.
  • Low light – As mentioned earlier, weak light is a cause of this problem. Identify this by checking if the plants become stretched, sparsed, and turn yellow the whole.
  • Intense light – Excessive light, such as direct sunlight, may first burn the leaves’ tips and turn yellow or brown.
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  • Water-based problems – Adjust the amount of water added or check the draining ability. If it takes a long time to drain after watering, consider making some improvements to your soil and pot.
  • Light-based problem – Adjust the amount and density of light accessing the plants according to the information we’ve discussed in the light condition session.

Asparagus fern turns stem yellow and fall of leaves


Low humidity is the most common reason for this situation. The cue is dry ground.


  • Provide the plant with more water to keep the ground moist.
  • Set your pot on pebbles and keep water on them to increase humidity.
  • Or, if the plant is too big, you may fill the pot almost with roots and little soil remaining to retain water. Then you would need a large planter.

Propagating Asparagus Fern

Propagating asparagus fern by seeding

The adult plant sometimes generates berries, including 2 – 3 inner seeds in each fruit. Use these seeds to propagate asparagus fern both in-house and outdoor at any time around the year.

Step-by-step guide

  • Collect the seeds and place them in warm water overnight.
  • Put 2 – 3 seeds in garden soil or a mildly acidic potting mix such as peat. Don’t forget to moisten the ground thoroughly before planting.
  • Gently push the seeds into the ground and spread a thin layer of soil to cover them but still let them be visible.
  • Keep the pot exposed to soft light sources and maintain proper humidity.
  • The ideal germination temperature is around 60°F. The seeds may take three to four weeks to germinate.

Asparagus fern propagation by division

Asparagus fern can’t be propagated from cuttings or sprigs. Fortunately, we can grow them by division and get a mature plant from offshoots. Let’s explore them all.

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Things to prepare

  • A nature asparagus fern plant
  • A sharp knife
  • A potting mix or a container of freshwater
  • A newspaper or plastic sheet

Step-by-step guide

  • Gently take the whole plant out of its pot and put it on the sheet.
  • Locate different offshoots to decide the part you will divide.
  • Slightly run your fingers through the roots to make them separate.
  • Use the knife to divide the section vertically.
  • Place your offshoots in water for some days if their roots are too short; Otherwise, put them into the potting mix.
  • Refresh the water every few days and put them into a pot after the roots have grown.

For a more detailed direction, check out this video!

Top Tips For Growing A Healthy Asparagus Fern

  • Asparagus fern is a fast-growing plant. Consider trimming it regularly to keep it tidy.
  • Feed the plant weekly with a weak liquid fertilizer during the active growing time to give it the best support.
  • Spider mites, aphids, and mealybugs love to hang on the foliages. Discard those bugs with insecticidal soap instead of toxic chemicals.
  • If asparagus fern plants get dry to the point of appearing dead because you forget to water, don’t worry! Regular misting can help them regenerate.


  • Adult asparagus fern may generate sharp spines on the branches. So, you should wear hand gloves while trimming it.
  • The plants are mildly toxic to people and pets. For instance, contacting between your skin and the foliage may cause a rash while eating its berries will result in gastrointestinal issues.


We figured it all out! Weentirelyive you the best support for successfully growing the plant with many highlight information concerning asparagus fern.

Any further questions for us? Just let us know in the comment session down below. We would love to have a further discussion on this topic with you!

Asparagus Fern: Essential Facts & Instructions (For Beginners)
Photo of author

Jill Sandy

I am a sustainable focus gardener. I love decorating my home backyard with beautiful landscape design and creative garden care techniques I develop myself.