Known for the unique-looking trait, Anthurium superbum makes an ideal decoration for homeowners despite being quite picky about the living environment.
Are you eager to know ways to grow healthy Anthurium indoor? This article contains a brief inquiry of Anthurium superbum care and tips to grow healthy Anthurium superbum.

What is Anthurium Superbum?
The Anthurium superbum, or Bird’s Nest, is a plant of the family Araceae. It is originally from Ecuador and is known to be endemic to the country.
The hulking leaves and neon flowers add elegance and also bizarreness to this tropical plant, creating a certain magnetism to draw your guests’ attention when entering the house.

These aroid plants can grow to about 3-5 feet in height and 3 feet in width. Many home dwellers, especially house plant collectors, like to challenge themselves when adding Anthurium superbum to their indoor plant collection.
Anthurium Superbum Care
The first thing that requires your attention is the soil. At the same time, most plants can thrive in good conditions.
In its natural habitat, the superbum grows on moss and tree branches, which means the plant prefers something similar to orchid soil. So, prepare a pot with rich, moist soil that is high in organic matter.
It is worth mentioning that the Bird’s Nest enjoys well-drained soil. Also, avoid wet soil that tends to hold water. Likewise, you shouldn’t use sand as it is dry and fast draining.
The key to healthy Anthurium superbum is proper watering.
Always try to keep the soil moist, and often check to see if it needs more water, especially in the growing season (March-September). During this phase, the plant will need more water and nutrients than usual as it nourishes remarkably faster.
And in the winter, you only need to water once every few weeks.
The watering frequency depends significantly on the amount of light the plant is getting and the humid condition.
Keep an eye on your Anthurium in the first few periods after bringing it home. Use your senses to see if it’s doing well with the current Anthurium plant care, and adjust accordingly to its liking.

A tip to know if your Birds Nest Anthurium needs more water is to dig one finger into the soil. It should be pretty moist; if it’s still wet, consider waiting longer until the next time you water.
The Anthurium light requirements are pretty easy to please. Your superbum plant will thrive under bright, indirect light. Placing your plant near an East-facing window is ideal as the morning sun in this location is not as intense as it is during other times of the day.
Otherwise, if you wish to place the pot near a West- or South-facing window, make sure to keep a 6-to-8-foot distance because these positions often get harsher sunlight, resulting in burnt leaves.
Anthurium enjoys environments with high humidity, mimicking its natural habitat in the subtropical forests of Ecuador.
You know it’s not humid enough for this foliage variety when the edges are turning brown. It is recommended that you place the plant pot near a water source like the kitchen sink or a well-lit bathroom, as these are likely the humid environment in your dwelling.
Nevertheless, consider running a humidifier for your Anthurium, then you can place the plant wherever you want.
The Bird’s Nest is happiest between 65-70℉. This temperature range is perfect for Anthurium care indoors.

Anthurium varieties have quite strict temperature requirements, especially when the thermostat drops. They will be likely to die out once the temperature goes below 55℉.
If you’re growing Anthuriums in the ground outdoors, make sure you live in USDA zone 10-11. Also, the plant will look somewhat different compared to when you grow it indoors in containers.
In this video Rayne will discuss where anthurium is originally native to, where she is growing it in her home, and basics like light, watering and fertilizing:
Common Problems with Anthurium Superbum
- Pests: Pests are a recurring issue, especially if you’re planting Anthuriums outdoors. The most common ones are aphids, mealybugs, and spider mites. If not taken care of on time, your Anthuriums will die out.
- Changes in leaf color: If your leaves turn brown/yellow, it could signify it not getting enough water and sunlight.
- Leaves are splitting: This is when you need to run your humidifier right away as the humidity concentration is low, causing the leaves to split.
Top Tips for Growing a Healthy Anthurium Superbum
- Keep an eye on your Anthurium: Don’t wait until the leaves are turning brown or when they start to split that you do something.
When you first get the plant, always keep an eye on it to see if it’s getting enough water or sunlight; then, adjust the care accordingly to its liking.
- Do not overwater: This is the most common problem people encounter when they first get indoor plants. As trivial as it sounds, your Bird Nest Anthurium is thriving when the top layer soil has a chance to dry out in between waterings.

Note: Since Anthurium superbum has insoluble calcium oxalate crystals that are likely to cause skin irritation. When you handle the plant, make sure to wear gloves. Also, if you have kids or pets, considering placing the plant somewhere out of their reach.
All in all, a little extra care will keep your Anthurium superbum thriving.
You may have heard that the Anthurium species will quickly die out when they encounter even the most minor inconvenience, but this is not entirely true.
After all, they come from the jungles of Ecuador, making them strong survivors that will bear imperfect conditions if they have to. The Bird’s Nest can be pretty with good conditions. These easy to maintain provided that you give proper care.